- Nuestro diccionario de competencias, mi perfil competencial.
- El Método Merlín, Descripción de puesto.
- Escala de valores, creencias sobe el cambio, Auto sabotaje, un esfuerzo de síntesis.
- Evaluación de desempeño, actividades de desarrollo, plan de de desarrollo personal.
- Revisión de Cv y perfil de LinkedIn.
- Entrevista por competencias, Assessment Center.
- Presentation of my Development Plan
Use of AI:
The course will only use AI as a GPT chat for the cover letter that the student will have to read and prefect and for the description of the LinkedIn profile and the CV profile.
The idea of using GPT chat is just to perfect the writing, it is about each student being able to ¿sell¿ themselves and talk about themselves by identifying their highlights, as this will also help them in interviews.