Specific topics covered in this course include:
- Marketing domain and key concepts
- Marketing strategy
- Segmentation and positioning
- The 4 Ps: Decisions about Product, Price, Distribution, Communication
- Service marketing
- Customer Relationship Management
- Marketing intelligence
- Marketing plan
- Trends in Marketing
Class 1: Course introduction, domain of marketing, key concepts
Readings: Kotler Chapters 1 (A and B)
Case Discussion: Marketers tasks for top brands. Report to be submitted before class 2.
Class 2: Marketing strategy (environment and the competition)
Readings: Kotler Chapter 9 (A). Chapter 11 (B)
Case discussion: Porter five forces.
Class 3: Segmentation and positioning
Readings: Kotler Chapters 10, 12 (A). Chapter 10 (B)
Case Discussion: Clean Edge Razor. Read the case carefully before class. Be prepared to answer questions related to the decisions outlined in the case.
Class 4: The 4 Ps
Readings: Kotler chapters 14, 16, 17 and 20 (A). Chapter 12, 14, 15 and 17 (B)
Class Practice: Exercise with real top companies and the effective use of 4Ps in Marketing Management.
Class 5: Service marketing
Readings: Kotler Chapter 11 (1st part) and 18 (A). Chapter 13 (B)
Class practice: Presentation of the 4Ps analysis.
Class 6: Customer Relationship Management
Readings: Kotler Chapter 11 (2nd part) (A)
Class 7: Marketing intelligence
Readings: Kotler Chapter 3 (B)
SPSS practice: Understanding Big Data in ¿Loans Bank¿
Class 8: Marketing plan (i)
Readings: Kotler Chapter 3 (A). Chapter 2 (B)
Case discussion: Cottle-Taylor: Expanding the Oral Care Group in India. Read the case carefully before class. Understanding the strategic decisions and thinking of a plan proposal. Computer lab for data analysis with Excel.
Class 9: Marketing plan (ii)
Presentations: Designed marketing plan for improving Cottle-Taylor's performance. Integrating key concepts of marketing.
Class 10: Trends in Marketing
Readings: Kotler Chapters 20, 21 (A). Chapter 19 and 22 (B)