1. The plasma diagnostic problem. MAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS: Rogowski probes, multipolar probes, plasma resistivity measurement, diamagnetic
measurements and their interpretation. Measurement of magnetic surfaces on plasma without current (stellarators). MICROWAVE AND INFRARED
SYSTEMS: Interferometry, tomography and Abel inversion, Polarimetry, ¿scattering¿. Reflectometry. THOMSON SCATTERING: temperature and
electronic density measurement based on Thomson Scattering: fundamentals, technologies, LIDAR. SPECTROSCOPY IN PLASMAS: X-rays, estimation
of the effective plasma ion charge, visible and UV spectroscopy. Doppler-broadening and sliding measurement. Intensities of lines and their
relationship to impurity content. Charge-exchange spectroscopy. PARTICLE DIAGNOSTICS: Charge exchange, neutral beam for active charge
exchange, heavy ion beam probe, Langmuir probes. ELECTRICAL FIELD MEASUREMENT: Doppler spectroscopy, ¿Motional Stark effect¿, heavy ion
beam probe. MEASUREMENT OF FUSION PRODUCTS: neutron spectroscopy, alpha particles that escape from the plasma, gamma emissions.
2. Materials technology. General introduction (Operating Environment. Radiation Damage). Electrical Properties (Electrical Degradation, insulating
gases, Measurement systems). Dielectric Properties. Optical Properties (Problems for windows and fibres, in-situ techniques).