Checking date: 04/09/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Fusion School (ITER)
Master in Mathematical Engineering (Plan: 460 - Estudio: 88)

Coordinating teacher: SANCHEZ FERNANDEZ, LUIS RAUL

Department assigned to the subject: Physics Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
First year master courses, mainly basic plasma physics, experimental techniques (plasmas, materials and nuclear physics) and computational physics.
The students will carry out during two weeks two Hand-on experiments (one per week) in the ITER site (in Cadarache). It is expected that the students acquire practical training in topics relevant to the nuclear fusion field.
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The students receive practical training on relevants topics within the nuclear fusion field during two weeks in the ITER site (Cadarache; France) in the beginning of the second semester (February). Two Hands-On subjects are attributed to each student (one per week). The list of topics is: 1- Lower Hybrid mode conversion 2- Qualification of PFC (Plasma Facing Components) 3- Thermo-desorption 4- Glow discharge characterization 5- Reflectometry 6- Tokamak experiment COMPASS 7- Tokamak experiment Golem 8- Experimental data analysis Tore Supra 9- Numerical models 10- Integrated modellig
Learning activities and methodology
Hands On work (two weeks in February). Organization: The students are grouped by 2. Two Hands-On subjects are attributed to each student. The attribution of the subjects is something we pay particular attention to. The objective is that everybody gets the subject he/she is the most interested in, and we want to take into account the student¿s choice in the attribution of the subjects. However, fulfilling everybody¿s wishes may turn out to be something tricky. The following method is used: 1. The list of available subjects, together with a short description of the scientific content of each subject and the number of students it can take is sent to the students. 2. Each student sends back the list of subjects with a ranking, corresponding to the priority they give to each subject. The ranking has tobe done for the full list of subjects, not only indicate top 2 or 3 subjects. 3. We prepare the distribution of subjects among the students. We will pay a particular attention to take into account the student¿s wishes, but again, we don¿t guaranty everybody will be given his top 1 or 2 subjects. The groups of 2 students will be formed here, based on the subject priority list of each student. We release the table of attribution of subjects. This table will also indicate the grouping of students (by 2). Swapping may then be requested. 4. The updated table indicating the attribution of subjects and the groups of 2 students and the groups of 2 students is released. This assingment of the Hand-on experiments (steps 1 - 4) is carried out before they reach Cadarache so that they can get some familiarity with the topics in advance and start soon the work once the are in the laboratory. The experiments are supervised by personnel of the laboratory and lecturers of the master participating in the event.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 100
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 0

Basic Bibliography
  • Reports. prepared by. the supervisors.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.