Introduction to popularization and research in applied and computational mathematics. Students will have a first contact with research through participation in seminars and will learn about research topics in the Department of Mathematics. Students will be introduced to the use and management of professional software that allows the creation and sharing of code, results, their visualizations and descriptions with rich text both statically and interactively (Latex, Jupyter Notebook, Mathematica and / or Maple) . The use of this software allows and expands the ability to share results and collaborative work, fundamental aspects in research and the applications of mathematics to society. On the other hand, it constitutes a very important tool for the teaching of Mathematics since it allows the creation of didactic and dissemination resources.
Basic skills:
- CB9: That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
- CB10: That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will have to be largely self-directed or autonomous.
General Competences:
- CG3: Be able to promote new scientific-technological developments in a work environment.
- CG5: Be able to communicate their conclusions clearly and precisely.
- CG6: Be able to study and research independently.
- CG7: Be able to work in a team and manage the working time available.
Specific Competences:
- CE1: Understand and use mathematical language.
- CE3: Be able to abstract structural properties and distinguish them from those that are purely occasional.
- CE4: Be able to solve mathematical problems, planning their solution according to the available tools and time and resource constraints.
- CE14: Acquire an entrepreneurial and innovative spirit.