- Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or
application of ideas, often in a research context.
- Students are able to apply their acquired knowledge and problem-solving skills in new or unfamiliar environments
within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
- Students should be able to communicate their findings and the ultimate knowledge and reasons behind them to
specialist and non-specialist audiences in a clear and unambiguous manner.
- That students possess the learning skills that will enable them to continue studying in a largely self-directed or
autonomous manner.
- Being able to develop new scientific/technological approaches in a corporate environment.
- Being able to communicate conclusions in clear and precise way.
- Being able to autonomously study and do research.
- Being able to do team-work and manage available time.
- Being able to develop computer software which solves mathematical problems using the most suitable computational environment in each case.
- Being able to design and implement more or less complex algorithms to solve real-life problems.
- Being able to perform mathematical modeling, as well as related computations and simulations, at technological and/or corporate engineering environments, in particular for research, development, and innovation tasks.
- Being able to model, design, define the architecture of, implement, manage, operate, administer, and maintain computing applications, networks, systems, services and contents.
- Being able to understand and apply advanced knowledge on numerical methods and computing to problems in science, technology, and society.
- Being able to know the peculiarities of data acquisition and information management.
- Acquire an innovative attitude and approach.
- Ability to undertake financial management of projects computer engineering fields related to factories software development, infrastructure and computer facilities (including networks), systems, applications and services, following quality and environmental criteria.
- Ability to design and develop computer systems, applications and services in embedded and pervasive systems.
Basic competences: CB6, CB7, CB9, CB10
General competences: CG3, CG5, CG6, CH7
Specific competences: CE5, CE6, CE9, CE10, CE11, CE12, CE14