-Having and understanding concepts and legal tools to provide a basis or opportunity for being original in developing and/or applying ideas, often within a research context.
-Students should be able to apply their knowledge and abilities to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
-Students should be able to apply their knowledge and deal with the complexity of formulating judgments based on information which, in spite of being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
-Students should be able to communicate their conclusions to specialists and non-specialists audience in a clear and unambiguous way.
-Students should have the learning skills which allow them to continue studying.
-Recognizing the growing importance of teamwork in the workplace and demonstrating adaptability and integration into different groups (sometimes with conflicting interests), maintaining relationships and fluid communications, respecting ideas and solutions provided by others with an attitude of cooperation and tolerance, sharing responsibilities and giving and receiving instructions. -Accepting the need for constant self-learning and lifelong learning as tools which facilitate the continuous updating in the area of labour relations and that it is needed to adapt them to changes in the labour market and the dizzying legislative modifications and variations of jurisprudential approach .
-Ability to apply knowledge acquired in the tasks related to labour advisory and consultancy in order to solve current and complex problems within the field of Labour Law and Social Security.
-Showing a high sense of personal responsibility and deontological behaviour during the intervention in processes related to the professional practice and typical activities of lawyers, "graduados sociales", consultants and business advisors.
-Ability to prepare reports with terminological precision in order to avoid unnecessary litigation and foster an effective communication. Capacity for individual and collective bargaining between private and public administrations.
-Identify, interpret, relate and apply all relevant rules and case law to any case related to Labor and Social Security Law, including the most complex and the most difficult cases.
-Proposing and providing solutions to current real problems referred to legal or contractual obligations in labour and social security matters in all types of profit or nonprofit, both public and private, organizations.
-Identifying and assessing potential liability risks arising from the total or partial breach of obligations on labour and social security matters .
-Designing strategies and plans to prevent future problems related to legal or contractual obligations in labour and social security matters in all types of profit or nonprofit, both public and private organizations.
-Compose documents of any level of complexity (contracts, plans, programs, reports, letters, notifications, etc.) and in any field of labour relations and social security.
-Knowing all administrative, judicial and non-judicial systems with competence in the enforcement of labour and social security legislation or the resolution of disputes arising in this area; as well as its operating and procedures .
-Taking an active part in administrative, judicial or non-judicial system with compentence in the enforcement of labour legislation and social security or the resolution of disputes arising in this area Searching evidences, managing them for the fact-finding, and assessing all of them in the various judicial, non-judicial and administrative procedures, taking into account the specificities of social procedures.
-Advising all types of undertaking, organizations, workers, social partners, public authorities about strategies related to labour and social security law in all ty