Checking date: 15/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Master in Advanced Studies in Public Law (Plan: 430 - Estudio: 361)

Coordinating teacher: OTERO GONZALEZ, MARIA PILAR

Department assigned to the subject: Criminal Law, Procedural Law and History Law Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 4.0 ECTS


Basic skills: CB6 Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and / or application of ideas, often in a research context CB7 That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of ¿¿study CB8 That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments CB9 That the students know to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and last reasons that sustain them to specialized and non-specialized public in a clear and unambiguous way General Competences: CG1 Ability to advise public and private social actors in the application of legal norms, trying to warn about the production of conflicts before they have occurred CG2 Ability to identify legal questions by acquiring advanced, specialized and multidisciplinary training CG3 Ability to solve complex legal problems within Public Law CG4 Ability to relate the legal institutions of the different branches of Public Law in a global context CG6 Ability to develop a work both in a team and independently in an international and multidisciplinary context. CG7 Ability to understand the interrelation between scientific research and the development of legal institutions CG8 Ability to handle with ease the various legal sources and the relationships between them CG11 Ability to develop and present scientific works and conceptual schemes that allow knowing relevant legal institutions CG12 Argument legally in a correct way for the conviction of a specialized public Specific competences: CE3 Ability to identify the differences of the legal categories of Public Law with those of other branches of Law CE5 Ability to identify the incidence in criminal legal categories as a consequence of the internationalization of criminal activities CE6 Ability to identify and reflect on the dogmatic challenges derived from the approximation of administrative legal institutions in an internationalized context CE7 Ability to know the financing systems of public authorities in the territorially composed States and the problems derived from this particularity CE8 Ability to analyze the resolutions of the Constitutional Court, the European Courts and the international systems of legal protection
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The excellence training that the Master aspires to provide can be completed with external practices, which the students of the Master will develop in Institutions Prestigious publics such as the Ombudsman or the centre for political and constitutional studies, as well as relevant NGOs such as Transparency International Spain or the Movement Against Intolerance. The objective is to approach directly and in depth, with a stay of 100 contact hours, to the type of tasks of the different public institutions and NGOs. It also seeks to ensure that, to the extent that it does not disturb the normal work rhythm of the host institution, the student can participate and contribute to it in relation to their level of preparation and ability, and always under the guidance and supervision of a tutor, who at the same time will be the person in charge of the evaluation.
Learning activities and methodology
As a consequence of the peculiarity of its nature, the external practices are adjusted to an academic methodology different from that used in the other subjects included in the master's degree. Each institution welcomes a variable number of students, depending on their availability, and is assigned a person who will be responsible for establishing a program of activities and coordinating the tasks that each student will carry out during the duration of the internship.
Assessment System
The evaluation is carried out by the institution on the work carried out by each student.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.