Checking date: 24/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Globalization, multiculturalism and civil liberties
Master in Advanced Studies in Public Law (Plan: 430 - Estudio: 361)

Coordinating teacher: CELADOR ANGON, OSCAR

Department assigned to the subject: International Law, Ecclesiastical Law and Philosophy of Law Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 4.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Conscience is an internal phenomenon initially which, when intentionally or unintentionally is externalized, it reaches some legal significance that requires an attitude of respect from others, and respect, defense and promotion from the State legal regulation. The aim of the course "Conscience and Human Rights" is that the student gets an overview of the relationship that everyday occurs between the individual conscience and the human rights and legal rules designed by the State to promote that individuals can freely develop their personality. Competences: - Ability to understand the relevance of individual convictions or beliefs - Ability to understand the relevance of individual beliefs and convictions in the legal system - Ability to locate cases of conscientious objection - Ability to resolve conflicts between individual beliefs and convictions and private law regulation - Ability to resolve conflicts between individual beliefs and convictions and public law regulation - Ability to resolve conflicts between individual beliefs and convictions and legal duties
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Globalization, multiculturalism and public liberties. 1. Freedom of thought and conscience, personal identity and multiculturalism. 2. Freedom of conscience and freedom of behavior. 3. Globalization, multiculturalism and public freedoms in labor relations. 4. Immigration, integration and citizenship.
Learning activities and methodology
This course should be particularly dynamic, due to the subjects studied and the numerous court decisions and controversies that have arisen around them in the media. For this reason, the dynamics will be to deliver teaching material to students regularly, in order to prepare exhibitions, which will be discussed in class. To facilitate the work of the students will be a voluntary group tutoring session in order to meet the concerns or make it easier for students to obtain the materials they need.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Celador Angón, O.. Orígenes histórico constitucionales del principio de laicidad. EDITORIAL: Tirant lo Blanch. Tirant lo Blanch. 2017
  • Celador Angón, Oscar. Reflexiones acerca del ámbito de aplicación de la Ley orgánica de libertad religiosa Derecho y religión, ISSN 1887-3243, Nº. 15, 2020 (Ejemplar dedicado a: 40 aniversario de la Ley Orgánica de Libertad Religiosa), págs. 263-274. Derecho y religión, . 2020
  • Celador Angón, Oscar. Libertad religiosa en la era Covid-19 Derecho y pandemia desde una perspectiva global / coord. por Agustín Andrades Navarro; Manuel Espejo Lerdo de Tejada (dir.), Javier García Oliva (dir.), Javier Martínez Cruz (dir.), Juan Pablo Murga Fernández (dir.), 2021, ISBN 978-84-1390-584-6, págs. 151-167. Aranzadi. 2021
  • Celador Angón, Oscar. Régimen jurídico del personal no religioso de las organizaciones con fines religiosos que realiza tareas neutras. Los límites a la autonomía de las confesiones religiosas / María Adoración Castro Jover (dir.), 2019, ISBN 978-84-1346-483-1, págs. 157-191. Aranzadi. 2019
  • Celador Angón, Oscar. Artículo 16.3, Comentario a la Constitución Española: 40 aniversario 1978-2018 : Libro-homenaje a Luis López Guerra / coord. por Carmen Montesinos Padilla; Pablo Pérez Tremps (dir.), Alejandro Sáiz Arnaiz (dir.), Vol. 1, 2018 (Tomo I (Preámbulo a artículo 96)), ISBN 978-84-9190-789-3, págs. 379-388. Tirant lo Blanch . 2018
  • Celador Angón. Oscar. El principio de neutralidad religiosa en las instituciones públicas en Estados Unidos, en Modelos de neutralidad religiosa del Estado: experiencias comparadas / coord. por Benito Aláez Corral, Sergio Díaz Rendón, 2021, ISBN 978-84-1378-138-9, Tirant lo Blanch págs. 201-252. Tirant lo Blanch . 2021
  • Oscar Celador Angón. Régimen jurídico del personal no religioso de las organizaciones con fines religiosos que realiza tareas neutras: Los límites a la autonomía de las confesiones religiosas / María Adoración Castro Jover (dir.), ISBN 978-84-1346-483-1. Aranzadi Thomson . 2019

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.