Checking date: 01/03/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Master Thesis
Master in Economic Analysis (Plan: 405 - Estudio: 68)

Coordinating teacher: LOEPER , ANTOINE

Department assigned to the subject: Economics Department

Type: Master Final Project
ECTS Credits: 12.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Students must have passed all mandatory courses of the Master in Economic Analysis.
The master thesis has the form of an academic paper. It should reflect the results of the student research of an original and relevant economic question. The Master thesis must be written in English and take the form of an academic paper. The Master Thesis should be supervised by a professor with a doctoral degree. Having an advisor who does not belong to the faculty of UC3M is possible, but in that case there should be a co-advisor from UC3M. Students who wish to take an outside advisor should ask for permission from the Director of the Master's program.
Skills and learning outcomes
Learning activities and methodology
Students will participate in the reading groups in the fields of applied economics, econometrics, macroeconomics or microeconomics. In these meetings students are introduced to the methods to approach research in each field. Moreover, the topic courses of the second year, expose students to the frontier of research in each of the fields of specialization. During the month of April, students will present the master thesis project in front of the faculty of the field of their master thesis. In this presentation the student is expected to define a clear and relevant economic question, the seminal literature on the topic, and the methodology to be applied.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 100
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 0

Basic Bibliography
  • Wayne C. Booth; , Gregory G. Colomb ;Joseph M. Williams . Craft of Research. University of Chicago. 2008
  • William Thomson. The Young Person¿s Guide to Writing Economic Theory. Journal of Economic Literature. Vol. XXXVII (March 1999), pp. 157¿183
Additional information

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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