Checking date: 07/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Marketing and Operations Management
Master in Human Resource Management (Plan: 294 - Estudio: 276)

Coordinating teacher: ZARRAGA OBERTY, CELIA MARIA

Department assigned to the subject: Business Administration Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Basic, generic and specific competencies that students mus achieve in this module - Basic competencies: CB6, CB7, CB8, CB9 y CB10 - Generic competencies: CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6. - Specific competencies: CE6, CE11, CE13 COMMERCIAL AND PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Knowledge - Know the process of generation of preferences in the consumer. - Explain the assumptions underlying the marketing process and how they can affect the attainment of business objectives. - Discuss the impact and relevance of marketing for decision taking. - Explain the concepts of segmentation and product positioning. - Identify and assess different sources of information for marketing. - Understand the relationships among the different elements of marketing mix. - Study the role of brands in marketing; difference between brand and product. - Identify the elements that make up the brand and the processes that favor it. - Understand the professional tools for communication. - Study the process of new product creation. - Understand the dimensions on market research. - Undestand the programs for launching new products. - Understand the functions developed by commercial intermediaries and distribution channels. - Identify and understand the objectives and strategies of operations management. - Know and understand the main lines of research in Operations management. - Know and understand the main techniques applied in Operations management. - Apply knowledge and techniques acquired for the resolution of problems related to productive and logistic environments. Abilities - Ability to identify and extract conclusions on several sources of information. - Anility to describe and discuss different aspects on marketing theory. - Solve practical problems of marketing throughout the identification and presentation of adequate data. - Show creative thinking when solving marketing problems. - Ability to manage a process of solving problems of market research. - Identify alternative solutions to marketing problems. - Ability to take optimal decisions on localization and capacity. - Ability to discuss main models of quality. - Apply tools for the management of design and development processes of goods and services. - Ability to plan the required resources for the generation of goods and services.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Marketing and Production management o Introduction to marketing and production management o Business strategy: application to marketing and production o The principles of marketing o The concepts of strategic and operational marketing. o Information systems in marketing: market research, tools and methodologies o Consumer behaviour: definition and understanding of markets, factors that influence customer¿s purchasing behaviour; the purchase decision; industrial and individual customers. o Market segmentation: variables and methodologies o Positioning of product or services; how to ¿enter¿ in customer¿s mind. o Operational marketing. Marketing mix variables: o Product: variables that identify a product. Product lines, Product life cycle and other key tools to manage the product/service. o Price setting: main options and their implications. o Promotion: different professional promotional tools; how to use them, how to combine them to get the maximum success. o Place: distribution channels, the importance, the options, the management of the channel. o Introduction to Production and Operations management (POM). Strategical and tactical decisions in POM. o Logistic and productive models o Key concepts and factors in POM: JIT, TQM, Lean production, Supply chain ¿ o Human resources in Production
Learning activities and methodology
Teaching activities of the module with indication of their content in credits ECTS-hours and % of face-to-face classes Activity code Nº Total hours Nº Face-to-face classes % Face-to-face classes AF1 21 21 100 AF2 8 8 100 AF3 32 0 0 AF4 28 0 0 AF5 8 8 100 AF6 5 5 100 AF7 29 0 0 AF8 19 19 100 TOTAL MODULE 150 61 Teaching methodologies ¿ MD1, MD2, MD3, MD4, MD5, MD6, MD7, MD8.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Basic Bibliography
  • Jai Heizer & Barry Render. Production and Operations Management. Prentice Hall. 1996
  • Kotler, Philip. Marketing Management. Pearson Education. 2016

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.