Checking date: 05/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Innovation Management
Master in Management (Plan: 404 - Estudio: 262)

Coordinating teacher: PARASKEVOPOULOU , EVITA

Department assigned to the subject: Business Administration Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


CB6 Possess and acquire knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context CB8 Make the students able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of exercising judgment from information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections over the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments CB9 Make the students capable to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support those conclusions, to a public that may be specialized or non-specialized in a clear and unambiguous manner CG2 Capacity to integrate, manage, identify, organize and analyze information CG3 Capacity to formulate critical judgments, evaluate them, and communicate their conclusions in a clear and orderly manner CG4 Capacity to anticipate and adapt to new situations CG5 Capacity to decision making, especially under pressure CG7 Capacity to critical assessment CG8 Capacity to develop professional works in interdisciplinary and international teams CG11 Capacity of leadership CG12 Capacity of effective professional communication, both written and oral CG13 Capacity for using information and communication technologies CE12 Capacity for understanding the key issues of innovation management and anticipating to firm's technological change CE13 Capacity to manage the innovation process by means of different tools of innovation and technology management Learning Outcomes: Capability of identifying the different sources of innovation for each industrial sector Capability to analyse the external economic environment in order to identify and take advantage of market opportunities Develop theoretical knowledge around the concept of innovation and the nature of change in order to be able to anticipate and solve problems related to the innovation process Understanding how the different types of innovation affect organization in its different areas, in order to implement innovation management tools that increase the value created and captured by the firms Understanding the determining factors of innovation and how these can be employed to create a business innovation culture Develop innovation projects, considering different financial sources (at national and international level)
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The contents included in this subject can be summarized in the following points: 1. Key concepts and issues in innovation management Innovation, performance and competitive advantage Types, dimensions and characteristics of innovation 2. Open debates around innovation Innovation Dynamics: S-curves Market structure and innovation Models and Modes of innovation 3. Internal Determinants of Innovation Knowledge: types and management Creativity, Control and Organizational Structure Firm size and innovation 4. External Determinants of Innovation Systems of Innovation and Surrounding Institutions Customers and users 5. Industry Characteristics and differences High tech versus low tech Manufacturing versus services
Learning activities and methodology
TEACHING ACTIVITIES BY THEME/CONTENT/MATERIAL REQUIRED AF1 Theory class AF2 Practice Class /Case analysis AF3 Lecture-plus-practice AF5 Tutorials AF6 Group work AF7 Students' individual work Activity Code Total Hours Classroom Hours % Student Classroom Presence AF1 28 28 100% AF2 28 28 100% AF3 28 28 100% AF5 12 12 100% AF6 84 0 0% AF7 120 0 0% TOTAL 300 96 TEACHING METHODOLOGIES BY MATTER MD1: In class lecture aided by computer and audiovisual tools, in which the course´s main concepts will be developed, and the main literature will be provided. MD2: Critical reading of the texts recommended by the lecturer: press articles, reports, manuals and/or academic articles, for their discussion in class, or to expand and consolidate the lessons of the course. MD3: Resolution of cases, readings, issues, etc individually or in group. MD4: Presentation and discussion in class of topics/cases relevant to the course content and moderated by the lecturer. MD5: Development of essays, docs and/or reports individually or in group.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 25
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 75

Basic Bibliography
  • Schilling, M. A.. Strategic management of technological innovation.. 2010. Tata McGraw-Hill Education
  • Tidd, J., Bessant, J., & Pavitt, K. . Managing innovation integrating technological, market and organizational change. . John Wiley and Sons Ltd.. 2005
  • Utterback, J.. Mastering the dynamics of innovation: how companies can seize opportunities in the face of technological change.. Oxford Press. 1994

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.