The subject aims to provide the students with knowledge about medical and assistive robotics. In the section on medical robotics, surgical robots, body exploration, radiological medicine, medical training and the full cycle of automation of all medical processes will be studied, from the identification of the pathology phase to the recovery one. Special attention will be given to robotic rehabilitation, both physical and cognitive: exoskeletons, dexterity tests, task banks, serious games, etc.
The section on assistive robotics will focus on assisting people with special needs (the elderly, congenital or acquired pathologies, and other types of help). The robotization will focus on the application to the tasks of DLA (Daily Living Activities): personal hygiene, food, manipulation of objects, etc. The technologies that will be taught will be multiple: mobile robots, mobile manipulators, climbing robots, member support systems, sensorial systems, planning, and decision-making, etc. The lessons will focus on learning at the end-user level.