This subject provides the student the necessary skills to be able to define a supervision plan for the installation and maintenance of electromedical infrastructures and systems, as well as the redesign of electromedical infrastructures; process and archive documentation and plan training actions for clinical and technical staff.
CB6 Possess and understand knowledge that provides a base or opportunity to be original in the development and / or application of ideas
CB7 That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study
CB8 That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments
CB9 That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that sustain them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way
CB10 That students have the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely autonomous.
CG3 Ability to design and carry out technological projects in the field of the application of engineering to medicine, as well as to analyze and interpret their results.
CG4 Ability to evaluate medical equipment and instrumentation in complex multidisciplinary environments, assessing the needs of different clinical users and offering objective measures for decision making.
CE1 Ability to evaluate algorithms and data processing techniques in complex multidisciplinary environments, assessing the needs of different clinical users and offering objective measures for decision making.
CE2 Ability to understand and use advanced statistical methods for conducting scientific studies, evaluation of equipment from the point of view of effectiveness, accreditation for medical use or study of comparative effects in patients.
CE3 Ability to apply advanced techniques of health technology management, both in technical and economic aspects, and including the acquisition and maintenance thereof.
CE8. Ability to use the appropriate innovation management tools and to assess the consequences of decisions on aspects of protection of intellectual and industrial property.
CE9 Ability to establish a dialogue with doctors to understand complex medical problems and the application of quantitative methods and engineering techniques to their solution.
CE11 Ability to plan, manage and supervise the installation and maintenance of non-implantable active medical devices in electromedicine systems and their associated facilities, under quality criteria, in safety conditions and complying with current regulations.
CE13 Ability to plan, manage and supervise hospital infrastructures under quality criteria, in safety conditions and complying with current regulations.
In overcoming this subject, students should be able to:
- Elaborate installations, commissioning and maintenance plans of clinical electromedical infrastructures, systems and equipment taking into account the available technical documentation and current regulations.
- Prepare and archive the documentation corresponding to the management of the assembly, commissioning and maintenance of clinical electromedical infrastructures, systems and equipment, interpreting the established procedures.
- Provide basic information on the use and maintenance of clinical electromedical infrastructures, systems and equipment, as well as the security measures to be considered, to clinical and technical personnel, applying the most appropriate communication techniques.
- Redesign clinical electromedical infrastructures and systems, drawing up the location of the equipment and elements.
- Plan formative actions for both clinical and technical staff, checking their development and results.
- Apply teamwork strategies, assessing their effectiveness and efficiency to achieve the organization's objectives.