Checking date: 12/03/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Population, international migrations and geopolitics
Geopolitics and Strategic Studies (Plan: 387 - Estudio: 346)

Coordinating teacher: GAMIR ORUETA, AGUSTIN

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


- To understand the main concepts, theories and approaches related to the study of population and international migration and their importance in geopolitical processes. - To understand methodologies for the analysis of the role played by population and international migration in geopolitical processes. - To understand and analyze the main conflicts, problems and current geopolitical challenges linked to population and international migration. - To search, select and synthesize diverse sources of information on the subjects of the subject, as well as to assess them critically. - To understand and prepare reports of geopolitical and strategic nature, related to population and international migration. - To present information in public about the topics of this subject.
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. The study of the population, sources of information 2. Changes in the geographical distribution of the population in the global world and its geopolitical implications. 3. Demography in ethnic and religious conflicts. 4. Demographic trends and territorial patterns in Spain. 5. Main territorial trends of the international migration in the world. 6. Forced migrations: refugees, internally displaced persons and asylum seekers. 7. Diasporas and transnational peoples. 8. Current and future trends in the geopolitics of migrations, 9. The geopolitics of migration in Spain (I). Immigrant population: integration and national policies. 10. The geopolitics of migration in Spain (II). The emigration of spaniards to the foreigner and its political consequences. 11. The migrations in the movies.
Learning activities and methodology
Formation activities -Theoretical classes -Theoretical and practical classes -Tutorias -Individual work of the tutored studen Teaching Methodologies -Presentations with support of computer and audiovisual media, in which the main concepts of the subject are developed and the bibliography is provided to complement the students' learning. -Critical reading of texts recommended by the subject teacher: Press articles, reports, manuals and / or academic articles, either for further discussion in class, or to expand and consolidate the knowledge of the subject. -Resolution of practical cases, problems, etc. raised by the teacher individually or in groups. -Presentations and discussion in class -under the teacher's moderation- of topics related to the content of the subject, as well as practical cases. -Elaboration of work and reports individually or in groups The theoretical and practical contents as well as the methodologies for its teaching are easily adapted to online teaching. In this sense, the use of programs such as Black board Collaborate or similar is foreseen, which allow online written, oral and visual communication between the teacher and the students. In this course, students should not use artificial intelligence tools to carry out the work or exercises proposed by the faculty. In the event that the use of AI by the student gives rise to academic fraud by falsifying the results of an exam or work required to accredit academic performance, the Regulation of the University Carlos III of Madrid of partial development of the Law 3/2022, of February 24th, of University Coexistence, will be applied.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • ADEY P., BISSELL D., HANNAM K., MERRIMAN P., y SHELLER M. . The Routledge Handbook of Mobilities (pp.45-54). Routledge. 2013
  • ATLAS LE MONDE. Atlas de las migraciones. Las rutas de la humanidad. Uned-Akal.
  • BETTS, A.; LOESCHER, G. y MILNER, J. . UNHCR: The Politics and Practice of Refugee Protection. Routledge. 2016
  • CASTLES, S.; DE HASS, H. y MILLER, M.. International Population Movements in the Modern World, Hampshire, MacMillan.. MacMillan.. 2014
  • COLLYER, M., y KING, R.. Producing transnational space: International migration and the extra-territorial reach of state power. . Progress in Human Geography, 39, 185¿204.. 2015
  • COMISIÓN ESPAÑOLA de AYUDA AL REFUGIADO (CEAR). Movimientos migratorios en España y Europa. 2016
  • FRÖCHLICH, CH.. A critical view on human mobility in times of crisis.. Global Policy 8(1), 5¿11.. 2017
  • GALIANO LEÓN, M.. Movimientos migratorios y cine. HAOL, num. 15, pp. 171-183.. 2008
  • GOLSTONE, J.; KAUFMANN, E. y TOFT, M. (Eds.). Political demography. How Population Changes are reshaping International Security and National Politics. Paradigms Publishers.. 2012
  • HYNDMAN, J.. The geopolitics of migration and mobility. Geopolitics 17, 243-255.. 2012
  • JACKSON, R. y HOWE, N. . The Graying of the Great Powers. Demography and geopolitics in the 21st century. Center for Strategic and International Studies. 2008
  • MARCU, S.. Del Este al Oeste: geopolítica fronteriza e inmigración de la Europa oriental a España. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.. 2010
  • MARCU, S.. De Rusia a España: movimientos migratorios transfronterizos en la Eurasia del siglo XXI. UNED. 2012
  • MARCU, S.. Geografías de la movilidad humana en el siglo XXI: jóvenes de la Europa del Este en España . Ediciones Complutense, serie Investigación.. 2018
  • MARÍN, M. (Coord.). Globalización y movimientos migratorios. UOC.. 2015
  • MORLAND, P.. Demographic Engineering: Population Strategies in Ethnic Conflict (International Population Studies). Ashgate. 2014
  • MÉNDEZ, R.. El nuevo mapa geopolítico del mundo.. Tirant lo Blanch. 2011
  • NAÏR, SAMI. Refugiados frente a la catástrofe humanitaria. Una solución real. . Crítica.. 2016
  • OECD. Perspectives on Global Development 2017. International Migration in a Shifting World. OECD Development Centre.. 2016
  • OIM. World migration report 2018. 2017
  • OIM. El bienestar de los migrantes y el desarrollo. Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM).. 2015
  • OIM. Informe sobre las migraciones en el Mundo, 2015. Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM).. 2015
  • SEMPERE, J. (Ed.). La población en España. 40 años de cambio (1975-2015). Universidad de Alicante. . 2017
  • UNHCR. Global Trends: Forced displacement in 2015. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Available at: 2015
  • VIVES, L. Unwanted sea migrants across the EU border: The Canary Islands. Political Geography 61, 181-192.. 2017
  • WINTON, A.. Violence, borders, and boundaries: reframing young people¿s mobility in movement.. Mobilities and Journeys, 6, 1-19.. 2017
  • YUSHIHARA, S. y SYLVA, D. (Eds.). Population Decline and the Ranking of Great Powers Politics. Potomac Books.. 2012
Additional Bibliography
  • ADAMS-HUTCHESON,G., THORPE H, y COLEBORNE, C.. Introduction. Understanding Mobilities in a Dangerous World.. Transfers 7 (3): 1¿5.. 2017
  • AMOORE, L.. Biometric borders: Governing mobilities in the war on terror. Political Geography, 25(3), 336¿351.. 2006
  • ARANGO, J. et al. . La inmigración en el ojo del huracán. Anuario CIDOB de la inmigración..
  • BOSWELL, C.. The external dimension of EU inmigration and asylum policy. International Affairs, 79 (3), 619-638.. 2003
  • BOYDEN, J., y DE BERRY, J.. Children youth on the front line: Ethnography, armed conflict and displacement. Berghann.. 2004
  • DE HAAS, H.. Trans-Saharan migration to North Africa and the EU: historical roots and current trends. Migration Policy Institute, Migration Information Source.. 2006
  • DÜVELL, F. MOLODIKOVA, I. y COLLYER, M. (ed.). Transit Migration in Europe. Amsterdam University Press.. 2014
  • ERHRKAMP, P. . Geographies of migration I: Refugees. Progress in Human Geography vol. 41(6) 813¿822.. 2017
  • FELLER, E. . Mediterranean migration: a comprehensive response. Forced Migration Review 26, 54-56.. 2013
  • IPPOLITO, F. y TREVISANUT, S. (Ed). Migration in the Mediterranean: mechanism of International Cooperation. Cambridge University Press.. 2016
  • KALLIUS, A., MONTERESCU, D., y RAJARAM P. K.. Immobilizing mobility: Border ethnography, illiberal democracy, and the politics of the ¿refugee crisis¿ in Hungary . American Ethnologist 43(1), 25¿37.. 2016
  • LAURIE, N. RICHARDSON, D., POUDEL, M., y TOWNSEND, J.. Post-trafficking bordering practices: perverse co-production, marking and stretching borders. Political Geography, 48, 83-92.. 2015
  • MARCU, S.. ¿Learning Mobility challenging borders: Cross-border experiences of Eastern European immigrants in Spain¿. Mobilities, Nº.11(3), pp. 343-361.. 2016
  • MCAULIFFE, M. y F. LACZKO (eds.). Migrant Smuggling Data and Research: A Global Review of the Emerging Evidence Base.. IOM, Geneva. 2016
  • MINCA, C.. Geographies of the camp. Political Geography 49, 74-83.. 2015
  • MOUNTZ, A., y HIEMSTRA, N.. Chaos and crisis: Dissecting the spatiotemporal logics of contemporary migrations and state practices.. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104, 382-390.. 2014
  • OECD. International Migration Outlook.. OECD. 2016
  • OPAM. Informe anual, Andalucía e inmigración. Observatorio permanente andaluz de las migraciones (OPAM).. 2013
  • SIRRIYEH, A. . Inhabiting borders, routes home: youth, gender, asylum. Routledge.. 2016
  • SPYROS, S., y CHRISTOU, M.. Children and Borders. Palgrave McMillan.. 2014
  • STEPHEN L . Creating preemptive suspects national security, border defense, and immigration policy, 1980¿present. Latin American Perspectives 2017
  • WINTON, A. . Violence, borders, and boundaries: reframing young people¿s mobility in movement.. Mobilities and Journeys, 6, 1-19.. 2017
  • YBARRA, M., y PEÑA, I.L.. We don¿t need money, we need to be together: forced transnationality in deportation¿s afterlives. Geopolitics 22, 34-50.. 2017

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.