Topic 1. Introduction to the Americas: contemporary concept, historical evo-lution, and geopolitics. The two Americas: North America (Canada, USA and Mexico) and Latin America (Central America, Caribbean and Southern Cone).
Topic 2. The geographic and territorial dimension of North America: implications of a regional and geopolitical nature.
Topic 3. Domestic factors in North America: political system, economy, tech-nology, society, demography, culture.
Topic 4. Trade, Investment, Migrations, Security and Integration in North America. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
Topic 5. USA as a global superpower and of the Americas. Social, demographic, political and economic transformations of the United States under the Trump Administration.
Topic 6. Projection and strategy of the USA for the two Americas. The external projection of Canada and Mexico in Central America, the Caribbean and the Southern Cone.
Topic 7. Geopolitics and geostrategy of North America regarding external actors: the European Union, China and Russia.
Topic 8. Contemporary Latin American political and geopolitical geography.
Topic 9. Geopolitical Economy of Latin America.
Topic 10. The organization of contemporary space in Latin America
Topic 11. Space, power, movements and communities
Topic 12. Brazil as a regional power
Topic 13. Geopolitical conflicts in Latin America
Topic 14. Role of external actors in Latin America. Latin America in the world order. Perspectives in the Americas.