Checking date: 21/04/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Geopolitics of Europe
Geopolitics and Strategic Studies (Plan: 387 - Estudio: 346)

Coordinating teacher: SOJKA , ALEKSANDRA ANNA

Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


-To know the most important geopolitical and geostrategic elements and themes of Europe (and, especially, of the European Union). -To interrelate and synoptically understand the different geopolitical and geostrategic elements and specific phenomena of Europe. -To apply theories and methodologies of regional analysis of a general or systematic nature to the understanding of particular regional spaces and dynamics in Europe. -To place and relate the particular geopolitical and geostrategic regional dynamics of Europe with the global geopolitical architecture.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. INTRODUCTION TO THE GEOPOLITICS OF EUROPE o The content and scope of the course o The idea of Europe: Where is the geographical and geopolitical limit? o The Europe of regions: Eastern, Northern, Central and Southern Europe 2. EUROPE'S PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE: A GEOPOLITICAL PERSPECTIVE o The collapse of the Soviet Empire and neo-globalisation o Conditions in Europe emerging in the Post-Cold War Era o The reunification of Germany o Acceleration of European integration 3. INTRODUCTION TO DE EUROPEAN UNION WITH A FOREIGN POLICY PERSPECTIVE o The treaties of Amsterdam, Nice and Lisbon o Enlargement Policy and Neighbourhood Policy as a Foreign Policy tool o The Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) 4. AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE FOREIGN AND SECURITY POLICIES OF KEY EU MEMBER STATES o Germany o France o United Kingdom o CFSP after Brexit 5. THE EUROPEAN UNION AS AN STRATEGIC POWER BEYOND ITS BORDERS o Deepening versus widening debate in the European Union o The future of European integration: Introducing Turkey and the Western Balkans into the debate o The European Union beyond its borders: The Middle East 6. GLOBAL ACTORS, THEIR INTERESTS AN STRATEGIES o States and their increasing role in geopolitics o Russia¿s role in current dynamics and EU-Russia relations o Recent evolution of transatlantic relations: Europe and the US o NATO¿s role in European security o Populism, Post-Truth & Disinformation: implications for the liberal order
Learning activities and methodology
This course consists of lectures and seminars which will be designed for students to discuss the ideas found in the readings. In general, classes are designed in a manner to promote students¿ active participation and critical thinking. Therefore, it is essential that students read all required readings. There will be class and group discussions in designated sessions. It is highly recommended to keep up-to-date about ongoing discussions on geopolitics. For this reason, students are encouraged to follow think-tanks, international press and leading journals related to the course content
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Beeson, M. and Bisley, M.. Issues in 21st World Politics, 3rd Edition. Palgrave. 2016
  • Biscop, S. and Richard Whitman, R. (eds). Sven Biscop and Richard Whitman (eds), The Routledge Handbook of European Security . Routledge. 2014
  • Bolt, P. J. and Cross, S.N. . China, Russia, and Twenty-First Century Global Geopolitics. Oxford University Press. 2018
  • Burleigh, M. . The Best of Times, The Worst of Times: A History of Now . Macmillan. 2017
  • Cameron, F. . An Introduction to European Foreign Policy. Routledge. 2012
  • Duke, S. . Europe as a Stronger Global Actor: Challenges and Strategic Responses. Palgrave Macmillan. 2016
  • Dumont, G.-F. ; Verluise, P.. Géopolitique de l'Europe. De l'Atlantique à l'Oural, 2ème ed.. PUF. 2016
  • Elissalde, B. (dir). Géopolitique de l'Europe. Nathan. 2017
  • Lagadec, E. . Transatlantic Relations in the 21st Century. Europe, America and the rise of the rest. Routledge, 2013. 2013
  • Marshall, T. . Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps that Explain Everything About the World . Scribner. 2015
  • Simon, L. . Geopolitical Change, Grand Strategy and European Security . Palgrave Macmillan. 2014
  • Verluise, P. . The Geopolitics of the European Union Borders. ESKA. 2014

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.