Checking date: 29/05/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Modern History
Bachelor in History and Politics (Plan: 394 - Estudio: 352)

Coordinating teacher: GARCIA HERNAN, DAVID

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
General knowledge of Secondary Education on all historical periods.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Chronological and geographical limits. The "trade" of the Historian of the Modern Age and the basic lines of the current modernist historiographic research. 2. Humanism and the humanists. Scope and diffusion of the new culture. 3. The Protestant reforms. The Catholic reform. The Council of Trent and its projection in Europe. 4. Dynastic rivalries and religious conflicts. 5. The technique and the geographical discoveries. 6. Population and the ancient demographic cycle. Behavior, quantification and distribution. 7. Social organization: estates, orders and social groups. 8. Agricultural expansion, industrial horizon and commercial development. 9. The crisis of the 17th century. Baroque and classicism. 10. The Thirty Years' War and Westphalia. The Europe of Louis XIV and international conflicts. 11. The great colonial empires and the extra-European world. 12. Old and new social and economic attitudes in the 18th century. 13. The Enlightenment and its social projection. 14. International relations in the 18th century.
Learning activities and methodology
AF1. THEORETICAL-PRACTICAL CLASSES. In these classes the knowledge to be acquired by the students will be presented. They will receive the class notes and will have basic reference texts to facilitate the follow-up of the classes and the development of the subsequent work. Exercises and practical problems will be solved by the student and workshops and evaluation tests will be carried out to acquire the necessary skills. AF2. TUTORIALS. Individualized assistance (individual tutorials) or in group (collective tutorials) to the students by the professor. AF3. INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP WORK OF THE STUDENT. MD1. THEORY CLASS. Class lectures by the professor with the support of computer and audiovisual media, in which the main concepts of the subject are developed and materials and bibliography are provided to complement the students' learning. MD2. PRACTICES. Resolution of practical cases, problems, etc. posed by the teacher individually or in groups. MD3. TUTORIALS. Individualized assistance (individual tutorials) or group (group tutorials) to students by the professor.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • ALFONSO MOLA, M. y MARTÍNEZ SHAW, C. Historia Moderna: Europa, África, Asia y América. Uned. 2015
  • BLACK, J. La Europa del siglo XVIII, 1700-1789. Akal. 1997
  • DAVIS, Natalie Zemon. El regreso de Martin Guerre. Akal. 2013
  • Enciso, L.M. La Europa del Siglo XVIII. Barcelona, Península. 2001
  • Floristán Imícoz, A,. Historia Moderna Universal. Ariel. 2015
  • Floristán Imícoz, A,. Historia Moderna Universal. Ariel. 2015
  • GARCÍA HERNÁN, D. Humanismo y sociedad del Renacimiento,. STMES. 2017
  • GARCÍA MARTÍN, P. Manual de Historia Moderna Universal. ARIEL. 2011
  • García Hernán, D. Historia Universal. XXI capítulos fundamentales. Silex. 2007
  • HOEGNISBERGER, H.G. El mundo Moderno: 1500-1789. CRITICA. 1991
  • KAMEN, H. El Siglo de Hierro. Cambio social en Europa, 1550-1560. Alianza editorial. 1977
  • MACKENNEY, R. La Europa del S.XVI. Expansión y conflicto. Akal. 1996
  • MARAVALL, J.A. La cultura del Barroco. Ariel. 1975
  • MARTINEZ RUIZ, E. Historia Moderna. El apogeo de Europa. Síntesis. 2018
  • MOLAS, P. y OTROS. Manual de Historia Moderna. Ariel. 1993
  • MUNCK, T. La Europa del Siglo XVII. 1598-1700. Akal. 1994
  • PARKER, G. El siglo maldito. Clima, guerras y catástrofes en el siglo XVII. Planeta. 2013
  • RIBOT GARCIA, L.A.. Historia del Mundo Moderno. Actas. 1992
  • RUDE, G. Europa en el siglo XVIII. Alianza Editorial. 1978
  • TENENTI, A. La formación del Mundo Moderno. CRÍTICA. 1985

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.