Checking date: 07/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Interpretation Centers
Master in Cultural and Natural Tourism Resources Management (Plan: 323 - Estudio: 291)

Coordinating teacher: NEIRA JIMENEZ, MARIA LUZ

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
A basic requirement is knowledge of the Spanish language.
ABILITIES The content is essentially related to one of the most important aspects of cultural tourism, as is the archaeological tourism. As a result, the student must acquire skills related to archaeological science, which allow them to understand the relevance of the issues related to this resource. Additionally, you must acquire skills related to programming archaeological itineraries and tourist use. At the same time, analytical instruments related to the execution of judgments and the recognition of the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments are offered. competences related to the transmission capacity of expert knowledge to a non-specialized public are also valued and reasoned confrontation with specialists who generate knowledge. expert knowledge about the archaeological heritage and its relevance in the global context and promoting ways to promote the growth of national, regional and local archaeological and natural tourism. Students analyze and interpret the key territorial balance and development of marginalized areas by exploiting their natural and archaeological resources, paying special attention to relations compromise and balance between economic exploitation and preservation of heritage. Transmission capacity that sensitivity to specific agents archaeological and natural tourism. It also has jurisdiction in this matter acquiring a working methodology from the field work to interpretation and publication of the results in the field of management of cultural tourism resources. Decisiveness in planning of tourist areas. Assess adequate resources to foster a space or a certain cultural property. Analyze conservation status and quality of natural and archaeological assets linked to cultural tourism. RESULT OF LEARNING This matter will provide students with the necessary knowledge to value the resources of a territory from the perspective of cultural tourism. Finalized their studies, they should be trained for territorial recognition of a space, detect its cultural tourism potential, and design tools location, planning, management, communication and dissemination of their resources through bid proposals from different cultural tourism products and as complementary services and leisure activities
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
PROGRAMME 1. What is Interpretation? The principles of F. Tilden 2. Nature and Archaeology. historic landscape construction: resource exploitation, habitat and necropolis. 3. The circumstances of the survival of the archaeological remains 4. Conservation and destruction of the landscape and archaeological sites 5. Who owns the past? Archaeology in the construction of national identities. archaeological collections in major museums and the issue of the return of archaeological heritage. Alternative projects: musealization deposits and three-dimensional reproduction 6. The archaeological interpretation and its popular diffusion. Museums and interpretation centers: meaning and typology of the main centers of interpretation. The education departments in museums and interpretive centers. Workshops and educational activities. 7. Design of teaching guides and itineraries: audiences. Design tutorials. Design of educational tours. Proposals for educational projects. Teaching materials and resources. 8. Major destinations of archaeological and natural tourism. Its historical and cultural importance and economic value derived. archaeological itineraries in Spain. LITERATURE - J. Ballart, El patrimonio Histórico y Arqueológico: valor y uso. Barcelona, Ariel, 1997. - CIUDAD, ARQUEOLOGÍA Y DESARROLLO. 1er Congreso Internacional: la musealización de los yacimientos arqueológicos, Alcalá de Henares 27-29 de septiembre de 2000, Alcalá de Henares, 2000. - FINN, M.; ELLIOTT-WHITE, M.; WALTON, M.: Tourism, Leisure and Research methods. Date collection, analysis and interpretation, Harlow, Pearson Education, 2000. - GARCÍA HERNÁNDEZ, M.: Turismo y conjuntos monumentales, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, 2003. - GONZÁLEZ MÉNDEZ, M. (1997-98) ¿El vestigio como atracción del turismo, la interpretación como atracción del vestigio», Anales de Prehistoria y Arqueología, 13-14, pp. 289-99. - GONZÁLEZ, M.: «El Ocio y el reciclado: la conversión del vestigio arqueológico en producto de consumo», Boletín del Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico, 14, pp. 24-27. - OREJAS SACO DEL VALLE, A.: «Los parques arqueológicos y el paisaje como patrimonio», Arqueoweb, 3. - PARQUES ARQUEOLÓGICOS (1993). Seminario de Parques Arqueológicos. Madrid 13-15 de diciembre de 1989, Madrid, Ministerio de Cultura. - C. Renfrew y P. Bahn, Arqueología. Teorías, métodos y práctica, Madrid, Akal, 2011. - VVAA. Managing Natural World Heritage. París. 2012 - VVAA. Community Developement Through World Heritage. World Heritage Papers 31. París. 2012. - VVAA. Cultural Landscapes. World Heritage Papers 26. París. 2010.
Learning activities and methodology
TRAINING ACTIVITIES lecture Practical classes tutorials Individual student work
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Beck, L & Cable, T. . The Meaning of Interpretation . Journal of Interpretation Research 7 (1). 2002
  • Hammit, W. E. . A Theoretical Foundation for Tilden¿s Interpretive Principies. Journal of Interpretation 6. 1981
  • Martín-Piñol, C. . Manual del centro de interpretación. Trea. 2013
  • Ruiz Parrondo, A. . Interpretación y difusión: dos formas diferentes de ver el patrimonio. Arqueología y territorio 7. 2010
  • Tilden, F. . Interpreting Our Heritage. The University of North Carolina Press. 1977 (3 ed)

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.