Checking date: 15/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Post-Colonial Cultures and Criticism of the Canon
Master in Cultural Theory and Critique (Plan: 356 - Estudio: 253)

Coordinating teacher: PELLICER VAZQUEZ, ANA

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The course will study the emergence of forms of identity, action and representation in a culturally plural world with an accent on the narratives and discourses of social identity and the way they convey and express power conflicts. The construction of the image of the other through different artistic and cultural practices, particularly the literary one, is presented as one of the fundamental questions in the definition and characterization of contemporary cultures, and constitutes a reference theme in postcolonial studies. Through the course, the student will have a solid knowledge of the forms of identity and gender that emerged after the disappearance of the great cultural hegemonies, as well as the theories that have dealt with them, they will have the conceptual and methodological instruments to study them, They will be able to handle the bibliography on the subject and to prepare a short paper on the issues involved in the subject with the pertinent academic and conceptual rigor. The course will study the emergence of forms of identity, action and representation in a culturally plural world with an accent on the narratives and discourses of social identity and the way they convey and express power conflicts. Latin America will be the cultural space in which all theoretical approaches to the postcolonial will be exemplified. From the ¿invention of America¿ to post-truth in the 21st century, some of the most significant cultural representations in Latin America will be debated.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Mary Louise Pratt. Ojos imperiales: literatura de viajes y transculturación. Fondo de Cultura Económica. 2010
  • Baudrillard, Jean . América. Anagrama. 1987
  • Bello Reguera, gabriel. Postcolonialismo, emigración y alteridad. Comares. 2007
  • Beverley, John. Del lazarillo al sandinismo. Estudios sobre la función ideológica de la literatura española e hispanoamericana. Institute for the study of ideologies and literature (Minneapolis). 1987
  • Bhabha, H.K. Difference, discrimination and the discourse os colonialism", en Barker, Francis (ed): The politics of theory. Essex University Press. 1983
  • Brantlinger, Patrick . Victorian Literature and postcolonial studies. Edinburg University Press.. 2009
  • Britton, Bruce K.; Pellegrini, A.D. (eds.). Narrative Thought and Narrative Language. Hillsdale, New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum . 1990
  • Carrasco González, Antonio . Historia de la novela colonial hispanoafricana,. SIAL/Casa de África. . 2009
  • Césaire, Aimé . Discurso sobre el colonialismo. Akal. 2006
  • De Toro, Alfonso y De Toro, Fernando (eds.) . El debate de la poscolonialidad en Latinoamérica. Una modernidad periférica o cambio de paradigma en el pensamiento latinoamericano. Iberoamericana. 1999
  • Fanon, Franz . Los condenados de la tierra. Fondo de Cultura Económica. 1962
  • Fernández Retamar, Roberto . Todo calibán. Fondo Cultural del Alba. 2006
  • Mignolo, Walter . Historias locales / Diseños globales. Colonialidad, conocimientos subalternos y pensamiento fronterizo. Akal. 2003
  • Naïr, Sami . El imperio frente a la diversidad del mundo. DeBolsillo. 2004
  • O¿ Gorman, Edmundo . La invención de América. Fondo de Cultura Económica. 2006
  • Querol, José Manuel y Reyzábal Rodríguez, Mª Victoria . La mirada del otro. La Muralla. 2008
  • Said, Edward . Cultura e imperialismo. Anagrama. 1996
  • Said, Edward . Orientalismo. Mondadori. 2004
  • Todorov, Tzvetan . La conquista de América. El problema del otro. Madrid, Siglo XXI. 1987
  • Vega, María José . Imperios de papel. Introducción a la crítica postcolonial. Crítica. 2003
  • Walter Mignolo. La idea de América Latina. La herida decolonial y la opción decolonial. Gedisa. 2007

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.