Checking date: 09/07/2020

Course: 2024/2025

Telecommunications Economics
Master in Industrial Economics and Markets / Máster Universitario en Economía Industrial y Mercados (Plan: 378 - Estudio: 270)

Coordinating teacher: ESCRIBANO SAEZ, ALVARO

Department assigned to the subject: Economics Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Students become familiar with the characteristics of the Telecommunications Sector, supply and demand. They will be able to raise the common problems in the regulation of the Telecommunications, and recognize the problems of Enterprises decisions within the sector. Develop an ability to apply the techniques and tools of economic analysis to the study the Telecommunications sector, and prepare reports and documents on the evaluation of real projects analysis.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Program Introduction: Basic Concepts and Overview Topic 1. The ICT scenario in the EU from an economic perspective. Topic 2. Introduction to Telecommunication Networks: Productivity, ICT and Firms Investment Climate. Economics Aspects in the Telecommunication Industry Topic 1: Fixed Voice Communications. Topic 2: Financial Aspects. Topic 3: Broadband Communications. Topic 4: Mobile Communications. Internet Economics and Digital Economy Topic 1: Internet. Topic 2: Marketing and Communications Networks. Topic 3: Social Networks and Communications. Topic 4: Dynamic Sectors in the Digital Economy: Case Studies. The Institutional Framework Topic 1: Regulatory Aspects of the EU. Topic 2: Competition Policy. Topic 3: The Demand Side, Universal Service and Consumer Protection. Topic 4: Critical Sectors: Privacy and Security of Service. Concluding Aspects: Round Table Challenges Operators (sustainability of infrastructure and contents), Consumers Digital Governance.
Learning activities and methodology
Theoretical lessons Problem solving and case study in the classroom Individual and group work to solve problems, simulations and case study Presentation of individual and group work Visits to leading centers in the sector Tests
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.