Checking date: 24/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Master in Management (Plan: 404 - Estudio: 262)

Coordinating teacher: MELERO MARTIN, EDUARDO

Department assigned to the subject: Business Administration Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


This course contributes to the acquisition of the following skills: - Know how to apply the knowledge acquired in the classroom in practice. - Integrate knowledge to assess complex situations in business administration. - Ability to organize and plan effectively. - Ability to identify ethical behavior patterns and dilemmas in specific complex professional situations. - Ability to work effectively in teams in international and multicultural context. Specifically, these are the expected results of the learning process: - Ability to apply the knowledge learned throughout the graduate program to real situations. - Ability to identify in which part(s) of the organization one has participated and what are their sub-objectives within the company's strategy. - Thorough knowledge of the process of determining a company's strategy and the keys to competitiveness. - Identification of restrictions that reality imposes on the free development of a business activity. - Ability to work effectively in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams in real business situations. - Ability to propose innovative solutions to problems arising in the development of the activity in which the student has participated. - Ability to identify ethical limits in the professional world and apply a clear protocol. - Ability to communicate the results of the work done. - Analytical ability and ability to synthesize broad sets of information. - Ability to organize and plan work.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The contents of this subject will depend on the tasks to be performed in the professional job performed by the student during the internship period. There is a internship supervisor in the program, who is responsible for relations with companies and analyzes the performance of students, ensuring the achievement of the proposed objectives.That person also has the function of addressing any incident that may occur during the internship period.
Learning activities and methodology
Activities corresponding to the professional job performed by the student during the internship period.
Assessment System
The regulation ruling the development of internships can be found at: The internship assessment will be based on the integration of: - Assessment of performance in the job by the tutor in the company - Assessment of the report of activities delivered by the student by the end of the internship period.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.