Checking date: 23/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Practical initiation to research
Master in Hispanic Cultural Heritage (Plan: 357 - Estudio: 254)

Coordinating teacher: FRIAS NUÑEZ, MARCELO

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


1. Gain a critical knowledge about the different ways of tackle works relating Cultural Heritage. 2. Reach a competence level that make possible to analyse problems appeared in works relating Cultural Heritage. 3. Obtain the capacity of critical analysis by means of classmate¿s opinions. 4. Gain the capacity of explain the research´s advances just as each discipline´s models. 5. Reach a competence level that make possible to use and control each discipline´s appropriated terminology.L
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Students will be managed by a teacher in accordance with an interdisciplinary working process. Therefore, this subject will consist of academic meetings series where the teacher will manage the activities in common and will meet in work sessions. Meetings consist of explanations of monitoring and planning, as well as guidelines and support for choosing a thematic area for the course work. The area of the research topics is focused on the Hispanic world, preferably Spain and Latin America.
Learning activities and methodology
The methodology used will be being directed by a teacher, as well as the student's active participation in meetings. A) There will be two different kinds of meetings: general and personal ones. Some courses could count on the collaboration of researchers, institutions and research groups outside the university. B) Students could count the support of institutions, research centers and groups in his final work practice of research initiation. Student would request doing this practical work either in one of the institutions and groups offered by the University, or in a different one proposal by themselves. There will also be 2 tutoring hours per week.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • ARIAS SERRANO, L. . Las fuentes de la historia del arte en la época contemporánea . Barcelona, Ediciones del Serbal, . 2012.
  • AROSTEGUI, J.. ¿Los instrumentos del análisis histórico¿, La investigación histórica: teoría y método (Sección tercera). Barcelona, Crítica. 2001.
  • BARATAS DÍAZ, A.. Colecciones, patrimonio historicocientífico y estrategias de difusión. Universidad de Valencia, Metode. Anuario 2000/52.
  • GALLO LEÓN, F. J. . Archivos españoles: Guía del usuario. Alianza . 2002.
  • PARES. Portal de Archivos Españoles:. .
  • RICO, J. C.. Manual práctico de museología, museografía y técnicas expositivas. Madrid, Silex. 2006.
  • SANJUÁN, B. (coord.). Patrimonio cultural y medios de comunicación. Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla. 2007.
  • VIVES, J. (coord.) . La digitalización del patrimonio: archivos, bibliotecas y museos en la red. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. 2009.
  • ZÁRATE MARTÍN, M. A. et al. . Paisajes culturales a través de casos en España y América. UNED. 2016.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.