Checking date: 14/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Master in European Union Law (Plan: 316 - Estudio: 302)


Department assigned to the subject: International Law, Ecclesiastical Law and Philosophy of Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 30.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The external professional internships could only be carried out once the total number of credits taught on a presential basis have been succesfully completed.
ACHIEVEMENTS STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO FULFILL Being able to ground and develop reasoning on legal topics, often into an academic context. Students must be in condition to apply their knowledge and resolution skills on new issues offently arising in less familiar atmosphere, involving wider and multidisciplinary fields. Students must as well be able to report their conclusions to a specialized and/or a non specialized audience clearly. Being conscious of growing importance of the EU Law in advocacy and full capacity of implementation of its principles and tools. Assessing the importance of the Law in order to achieve market efficiency and macroeconomic stability. Dominating new communication technologies and sources of information on EU law. Ability to communicate properly in English and Spanish, and to persuade in performing legal reasoning. Knowledge and ability to use EU substantive and procedural law in legal advisory or trial activity before the national and European courts. Ability to understand and communicate the way market subjects act and react to supranational regulation. Knowing the proper techniques to aproach and build trustable relationship with national and international institutions as well as individuals entrusted with the power to supervise the implementation of EU Law. Dominance of principles regarding State liability for infringement of EU law. Assessing the efficiency of different regulations of contractis in EU member countries, in civil law, labor and commercial law. Ability to solve practical cases of great complexity in EU Law. Achieving assessment of national practices aimed at impeding at national level the implementeation of EU Law. Knowledge of the areas and cases where principle of supremacy applies. Students should learn the contribution of EU Law to sustainability, environmental and equility policies. GOALS During internship period, student's skills will be tested on ground, under the tutorship of selected professionals, in a fully international and high demanding context. In particular: 1. Students will be entrusted with relevant responsabilities in order to satisfy high professional standards; 2. students will be involved in working teams specialized in both national and international fields; 3. Knowing how a big law firm or the legal department of a company really works. A special attention will be drawn on professional secrecy and personal data protection. 4. Students will be acquainted with institutions and officials of the public bodies both at national and international level, as well as Courts. 5. Ability to solve cases involving profesional ethics especially regarding conflicts of interest. During internship each student will be assigned to one tutor, being the last an experienced profesional with more than 5 years of practice.
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
LLM Academic Board is entitled to supervise that the institution into which students will join their internship as well as tutors, fulfill demanded requirements, and in particular following: 1. full integration of the student within working teams carrying out analysis, advisory or litigation in relevant legal issues; 2. full and detailed knowledge of regulation and practice concerning profesional ethics; 3. direct aproach to the clients under tutor's supervision; 4. allowing student to take part in issues related to the application of EU Law with relevant trans-national features. LLM Programme prepares student to a high quoted profesional career truly international and competitive. Internships will take place in highly qualified law firms and entities asociated to the Academic Board of the LLM (see link below):
Learning activities and methodology
ACTIVITIES Students carry out advisory of clients involved into an international dispute or legal issue, including litigation before national and EU Courts. Student's activity, during this period, involves the examination of legal issues, the elaboration of reports or legal acts, pre-litigation advisory and litigation. The process is aimed to gradually develop individual's skills as internship goes on. METHODOLOGY All knowledge students achieve during this time grounds on tutor's working plan. In all cases such skills must include abilities that lawyers are deemed to own in the resolution of complex international legal disputes. Coordination among LLM's Academic Board, law firms and tutors will grant full equality for students as for the excellence of the internship they are going to join.
Assessment System
Tutor responsible for students internship will fulfill an assessment about activities carried out, personal profile, their skills, accuracy, manners with colleagues and clients, and profesional ethics. An agreement previously celebrated between UC3M (MUDUE) and the Collaborating Entity will regulate all the relevant aspects of the stage according to the law. The report will be sent to the LLM Academic Board which will communicate the result confidentially to the student. Nevertheless students maintain a permanent link with the LLM Board during the internship by which, if any incident arises, it shall be posible to solve quickly. In case justified complains were not dealt, there will be a swift in the tutor or the entity into which internship is taking place.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.