Checking date: 22/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Internship in companies, law firms, and social partners.
Master in Consulting and Legal Consulting Job (Plan: 432 - Estudio: 303)

Coordinating teacher: GARCIA SALAS, ANA ISABEL

Department assigned to the subject: Social and Private International Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The Internship in companies, law firms, and social partners require overcoming different subjects: - Individual Labor Relations. - collective labor law - Human Right in the workplace - Judicial and out-of-court settlement of employment claims and labor disputes - Social Security. - Legal framework for prevention of occupational health and safety risks - The system of liability pertaining to occupational health and safety - Administrative procedures in labor matters - European Union labor law - International and comparative labor law - Transnational labor law: the cross-border mobility of employees and businesses - Entrepreneurship and self-employment.
COMPETENCES THE STUDENT WILL ACQUIRE AND RESULTS OF LEARNING - Ability to find the best method when resolving a problem, and interpreting and obtaining conclusions from its result. - Be willing to integrate ideas and learn new methods, techniques and knowledge, while also adapting to new situations. - Ability to argue for and defend ideas while knowing how to accept different points of view. - Attitude to propose solutions that consider social needs, and evaluating their impact. - Ability to work in a multidisciplinary environment. - Ability to solve problems by showing initiative, good decision making skills, creativity and critical reasoning, and by communicating and transmitting knowledge. - Opportunity to be in contact with a profesional of labor law, or similar figure, and the development of the ability to communicate with experts in the area of law, human resources, labor relations, lawyers, social graduates, etc.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The contents of the subject are specified in the external practicum for a minimum of 160 hours of training in companies (Departments of labor relations and human resources), professional firms and social graduates, trade unions, courts, and public administrative organizations. The practices are directly related to the development of those of a lawyer, consultant or advisor legal employment functions. external practices are carried ended Master class period.
Learning activities and methodology
The student will undertake the practicum in a public or private company or public institution. Said practicum must be directly related with the subjects taught in the master. Companies must submit a list of tasks the student will carry out to the academic authorities of the Master's so it may be approved, and they must respect the number of hours required in compliance with the assigned ECTS credits.
Assessment System
ASSESSMENT SYSTEM The assessment of academic performance will be comprised of the following: - When the student completes a practicum in a company or institution, he/she will be subject to the assessment of an external tutor and this assessment will constitute 80% of the final mark. - The final report the student must submit to his/her academic tutor will constitute 20% of the final mark. The assessment system will be the same for de extraordinary evaluation % end-of-term-examination: 0 % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...): 100

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.