Apply the knowledge acquired to solve problems related to the area of ¿¿study.
Integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the assurance of civil responsibility.
Knowing how to communicate conclusions and knowledge and ultimate reasons that sustain them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
Develop learning skills that allow to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
Understand the importance of liability insurance as an essential sector not only for the development of economic and professional activities, but also for individuals in general.
Learn to identify the problems linked to the assurance of civil responsibility and know their legal treatment. Know the legal regime of civil liability insurance in general and in its main modalities or variants.
Learn to identify the legal problem and to give a solution to it.
Issue critical judgments on legal issues related to the assurance of civil liability.
Apply methods of legal analysis that allow the student to have the ability to study and synthesize the information received.
Understand the treatment of civil liability insurance.
Identify the elements of civil liability insurance and know how to give a solution to the conflicts raised in this area.
Understand civil liability insurance from a global or collective perspective, as well as in its main particular areas.
The training process of the subject aims to familiarize students with the specialties of liability insurance, whose importance is enormous when projecting on the most different sectors and personal, economic and professional activities.
Overcoming the subject means that students know and manage the sources where insurance regulation is contained, the interpretation problems that arise in practice and the jurisprudential lines that exist in relation to them, in such a way that they are capable of address and resolve cases involving liability insurance.