Checking date: 15/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Production of documents
Master in Libraries, Archives and Digital Continuity (Plan: 500 - Estudio: 335)


Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Archival Science Records Management Business Archives
The subject is oriented towards the student being capable and competent, according to the didactic units that have been programmed, to: 1. Understand the fundamentals of the production, management and exploitation of information and documentation in public and private organizations, knowing the functions and relations of the producers and agents of archival documents in the organizations, as well as the processes for the optimization and rationalization of the genesis of file documentation for its better organization and order by efficiency in the procedures and its efficient reuse. 2. To Know the diversity of technologies dedicated to the management of documents and files, with the ability to evaluate and select the appropriate technologies for the implementation of electronic document management systems. 3.To Know the technological requirements necessary for a necessary typification, by attributes and properties, of documentary types during their genesis, through the knowledge of methods for the identification of elements according to the types of archival documents. 4. To Know and understand well the definition of metadata models and schemas for records in the genesis and management of electronic records. 5. To Know the classification systems, ordering of archival documentation and description standards for expert use in digital environments. 6. To Know, understand and be able to manage the challenges, potentialities and instruments that are being projected for better production processing from the edition of virtual content (Mixed Realities), its labeling (massive data and Artificial Intelligence techniques). , and also for its storage, dissemination and communication (data managers). 7. To Know the legal and ethical principles, as well as the legislation that supports the reuse of information, the main initiatives and projects on the reuse of information. You must be proactive in testing a project for the reuse of information and documents, through the application of standards and tools that help standardize and interoperate data and documents. 8. To Know the fundamentals and strategic policies regarding interoperability and security in digital file documentation
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Common topics of the subjects: Analysis and design of processes, elements, techniques and controls necessary for the management, reuse and dissemination of open data, documents and digital evidence. Subject-specific topics: It recognizes two planes: Theory: Documentary genesis in organizations: production and producers of archival documents. Analysis models for the identification of documentary types. Formalization of documentary types and their metadata. Classification and management systems during documentary genesis. Formal and characteristic description for standardized representation in documentary production. New contexts for document production: content representation and dissemination. National interoperability and security schemes. Practice: Identification of documentary types based on practical assumptions. Standard description of context on practical assumptions. Design of models of documentary types. Metadata.
Learning activities and methodology
LEARNING ACTIVITIES Is it synchronous? Total hours Total hours Hours of synchronous interactivity N. In-person hours % Student presence AF1Individual work for the study of developed and provided by Professor theoretical and practical materials. No 27.7 0 0 0 AF2 Individual work for problem solving and case studies. No 22 0 0 0 AF3 Theoretical and practical classes. Yes 3 3 3 100 AF4Tutoring Yes 3 3 0 0 AF5Workgroups No 30 0 0 0 AF6Active participation in forums enabled by the teacher in the virtual learning platform Yes 3 3 0 0 AF7 Making self-assessment test for review of content Yes 3 3 0 0 TOTAL MATERIA 270 (90) 90 12 3 3.33% TEACHING METHODOLOGY MD1 Exhibitions in class with teacher support and audiovisual media, in which the main concepts of the subject are developed and the literature is provided to supplement student learning . MD2 Critical reading recommended by the subject teacher texts: Newspaper articles , reports , manuals, and / or scholarly articles , either for subsequent class discussion , either to expand and consolidate knowledge . MD3 Solving practical cases , problems, etc. . posed by the teacher individually or in groups. MD4 Presentation in the virtual forum for the course issues related to the content of the material, as well as case studies. MD5 Preparation of papers and reports individually or in groups. MD6 Reading of knowledge and developed and provided by the teacher in the virtual learning platform learning materials . TUTORIALS The schedules of the tutorials, adjusted to the provisions of the University, may be consulted in Aula Global. They will include two sections, one presential and the other online. In addition to these officially fixed tutorials for the materia, the students can request and arrange with the teacher tutorials online or offline outside those schedules
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 30
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 70

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • BANTIN, Philip. Understanding data and information systems for recordkeeping. Neal-Schuman Publishers. 2008
  • BARBADILLO ALONSO, Javier. ISAD(G) y la clasificación archivística¿, en: La descripción multinivel en los archivos municipales la norma ISAD(G). Consejería de Cultura y Deportes; Móstoles: Ayuntamiento. 2004
  • CARUCCI, Paola. Il documento contemporaneo. Diplomatica e criteri di edizione. 1987
  • CARUCCI, Paola. Génesis del documento: Redacción, clasificación y valor jurídico. Diplomática de ahora mismo. Carmona (Sevilla): S&C ediciones Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo. 1994
  • COMUNIDAD DE MADRID. Consejería de Cultura y Deportes. Compilación de manuales de tipología documental de los municipios. Madrid: CAM. 2005
  • DELMAS, Bruno. Manifeste pour une diplomatique contemporaine: Des Documents Institutionnels à l¿information organisée. Gazette des Archives. 1995
  • DURANTI, Luciana. Diplomatics: new uses for an old science. Lanham, Maryland, and London. 1998
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION. Document management in the European Commission: collected decissions and implementing rules. Bruselas: Publication Office of the European Union. 2010
  • HERNÁNDEZ-PÉREZ, Antonio, DAVID RODRÍGUEZ-MATEOS, BONIFACIO MARTÍN-GALÁN, MARÍA ANTONIA GARCÍA-MORENO. El uso de metadatos en la administración electrónica española: los retos de la interoperabilidad. Revista española de Documentación Científica, Vol 32, No 4 . 2009
  • LLANSO SANJUAN, Joaquín y otros. Buenas prácticas en gestión de documentos y archivos. Manual de normas y procedimientos archivísticos de la Universidad pública de Navarra. Pamplona, Universidad Pública de Navarra. 2006
  • MARCOS-MARTÍN, CARLOS; SORIANO-MALDONADO, SALVADOR-LUIS. Reutilización de la información del sector público y open data en el contexto español y europeo. Proyecto Aporta. El profesional de la información, mayo-junio, v. 20. 2011
  • PRATESI, Aessandro. Diplomatica in crisi?. Miscelanea in memoria di Giorgio Cecetti, Turín. 1973
  • SECO CAMPOS, I.. Tipología documental administrativa en el municipio contemporáneo. Los Archivos de la Administración Local. Cuadernos de Archivos y Bibliotecas de Castilla - La Mancha. ANABAD. Castilla - La Mancha. Toledo. 1994
  • SMITH, Kevin. Public sector records management: a practical guide. ASHGATE. 2007

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.