Checking date: 16/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Quality Management Systems
Master in Libraries, Archives and Digital Continuity (Plan: 500 - Estudio: 335)


Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Information Services Management
1. Understand the principles, foundations, and importance of Quality as a Management Philosophy in Information services, from the organizational and systemic perspective of its operation. 2. Clarify the holistic role of evaluation as an essential management process in achieving organizational quality, understood as the ultimate criterion that legitimizes the performance of information units/services. 3. Understand the principles and basic characteristics of a Quality Management System and the different approaches and models from which the System can be articulated, in order to optimize the value provided to the user of information services. 4. Understand the contributions that a Quality Management System can make to the organizational management of Information Units so that it can contribute to the achievement of the Objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. 5. Identify and plan the stages involved in implementing a Quality Management System. 6. Understand the characteristics of the main tools for analyzing, within the framework of quality management, the needs and expectations of users related to information services. 7. Understand the processes of accreditation and certification of Quality Management Systems. 8. Gain a practical insight into the effective application of the main Quality Management Systems used in libraries and other information services/units. 9. Develop the skills necessary to implement a Quality Management System. ------ GENERAL COMPETENCIES AND LEARNING OUTCOMES (Link to document) The subject QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS is part of the set of subjects necessary for the learning of the general subject-matter DIRECTION AND MANAGEMENT OF ARCHIVES AND LIBRARIES within of the Master. BASIC SKILLS OF THE GENERAL SUBJECT-MATTER BS7. To know how to apply the acquired knowledge and the ability to solve problems in new or little known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study. BSB9. To know how to communicate conclusions and the acquired knowledge and reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way. GENERAL SKILLS OF THE GENERAL SUBJECT-MATTER GS2. To identify lines of technological innovation in libraries and archives and documentation centers, and undertake possible projects for their development. GS3. To lead and to manage archives, libraries and digital information services in various fields of application, both public bodies and private companies. GS5. To recognize the growing importance of teamwork in the workplace and to prove adaptability and integration in different work environments, maintaining relationships and communication flows. GS6. To accept the need for constant self-learning and continuous training as tools that facilitate adaptation to technological and organizational innovations. GS7. To acquire a global and coordinated vision of the processes and services that are given in the libraries and the archives and the incidence that the control of the quality of the same has in the satisfaction of the users. GS8. To value the rigorous and well-done work, when planning, organizing and developing the own activities, demonstrating initiative, creativity and sense of responsibility, maintaining the interest throughout the process, and feeling personal satisfaction for the results achieved. GS9. To integrate knowledge, to make judgments and to communicate conclusions, as well as the ultimate knowledge and reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way. GS10. To recognize the need for continuous adaptation to different jobs in different productive sectors, and technological and organizational innovations related to the profession, showing interest in incorporating new techniques, processes, tools and technologies into the profession's own activities . SPECIFIC SKILLS OF THE GENERAL SUBJECT-MATTER SS2. To know and to apply the principles and techniques of management to achieve the efficiency of the human team in the provision of services. SS8. To apply methodologies and tools that allow an agile, effective, adapted and evaluable response to risks or alterations that endanger the digital continuity of the organization. LEARNING RESULTS OF THE GENERAL SUBJECT-MATTER The essential value of the training received in the subjects of this general subject-matter is directed towards an aspect that transcends clearly the mere technical or instrumental capacity. In fact, the student must understand that its correct management of documents impacts on the digital continuity and above all in the business strategy of the organization. This general subject-matter focuses on training students not only in information but also in knowledge for decision-making in a highly competitive environment. After passing the general subject-matter, the students will be able to: - Apply the basic skills and competencies that a manager must have to manage and get things done through others, getting the most out of available resources, as well as designing and adapting tools that allow optimal performance of the service. - Know the principles and theoretical foundations of Quality as a Management Philosophy and the characteristics it presents in the units / information services. - Learn from the experiences and practices carried out in libraries and other information centers related to the application of Quality Management Systems. - Define the infrastructure of effective knowledge management in document centers. - Know the different ways of approaching the technological leap in the management of documentary centers. - Understand the value of competitive intelligence. - Know the models of application of competitive intelligence to organizations. - Apply strategies and prospective techniques for studying the future as an opportunity for change. ------ SPECIFIC COMPETENCIES AND LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE "QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS" COURSE After passing the subject QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, the student should be able to: - Know in the units / services of information, as organizations of services and systems open to the environment, the different perspectives from which to be able to consider Quality and the principles and theoretical foundations that support it as a Management Philosophy and necessary response to the challenges of the digital world. - Know, from a holistic and dynamic approach to organizational functioning, the evaluation process as a necessary requirement to achieve value results, and to understand the importance of incorporating a culture of evaluation in accordance with the search for continuous improvement posited by the Philosophy of Quality management. - Understand the theoretical and practical foundations underlying a Quality Management System and the quality models and quality management systems that can be applied, and are being applied, in information services/units, as well as the contributions that a Quality Management System can make to the organisational management of information units in order to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. - Design and implement a quality system with all its components, using the methodology and the most appropriate tools to implement it. - Know the main tools by which to analyze the needs and quality expectations of users in the digital environment, and the processes of accreditation and certification of a Quality Management System. - Learn from the experiences and practices conducted in libraries and other information services related to the application of Quality Management Systems, understanding the Philosophy of Quality and what it means to work with it..
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Common topics to subjects related to the general subject-matter DIRECTION AND MANAGEMENT OF ARCHIVES AND LIBRARIES: - Analysis and exploitation of information / transformation in operational knowledge. - Management and planning services. Specific topics of the elective subject QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: Theory 1. EVALUATION AND QUALITY 1.1. The Quality as a management philosophy in the hybrid environment of action of the Information Services / Units: a necessary response to the challenges of the digital world. 1.2. The holistic approach of the Evaluation and its role in the framework of quality-oriented organizational functioning. 2. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 2.1. The Quality Management System: principles and characteristics. 2.2. Approaches and Models-Methodology and Tools: TQM, ISO 9000, EFQM 2020 Excellence Models. 2.3. The EFQM 2020 model and its contributions to the United Nations 2030 Agenda. 33. PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF A QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 3.1. From the initial diagnosis and knowledge of the user's needs / expectations, to the evaluation and application of the continuous improvement cycle for the achievement and maintenance of a competitive brand image in the digital environment, contributing to Sustainable Development. 4. THE QUALITY FROM THE USER'S PERSPECTIVE 4.1. Attributes of quality from the point of view of the recipient of information services. 4.2. Perceived quality: characteristics, implications and measurement models. Challenges to the digital environment. 5. THE CERTIFICATION 5.1. Standards and reference models by which to demonstrate the conformity of the Quality Management System. 5.2. Agencies and certification bodies. 5.3. Certification as process: Self-Assessment, External Audit and Quality Management Recognitions. Practice Resolution of case studies related to the content of the subject (including the completion of a Final Project). NOTE: In some cases, activities that require the use of Artificial Intelligence tools may be included
Learning activities and methodology
LEARNING ACTIVITIES OF THE STUDY PLAN RELATED TO GENERAL SUBJECT-MATTERS AF1 Individual work for the study of theoretical and practical materials developed and contributed by the teacher AF2 Individual work for problem solving and case studies AF3 Theoretical-practical classes AF4 Tutorials AF5 Group work AF6 Active participation in forums enabled by the teacher in the virtual educational platform AF7 Perform self-assessment test for content review AF8 Synchronous online debates and colloquiums LEARNING ACTIVITIES OF THE "QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS" COURSE Type of activity Is it synchronous? Total hours Hours of synchronous interactivity In-person hours % In-person attendance Student AF1 NO 24,7 0 0 0 AF2 NO 22 0 0 0 AF3 SI 3 3 3 100 AF4 SI 3 3 0 0 AF5 NO 30 0 0 0 AF6 NO 1,3 0 0 0 AF7 SI 3 3 0 0 AF8 SI 3 3 0 0 Total 90 12 3 3,33% TEACHING METHODS TM1. Teacher expositions in class, with support of computer and audiovisual media, in which the main concepts of the subject are developed and the bibliography is provided to complement the students' learning. TM2. Critical reading recommended by the teacher of the subject texts (newspaper articles, reports, manuals and / or academic papers, either for later discussion in class, either to expand and consolidate the knowledge of the subject). TM3. Solving practical cases, problems, etc., posed by the teacher individually or in groups. TM4. Exposition and discussion in class, under teacher moderation, of issues related to the content of the subject, as well as of practical cases. TM5. Elaboration of work and reports individually or in groups TM6. Reading of theoretical and practical teaching materials TUTORIALS The tutoring schedules, according to the University's regulations, can be consulted in the subject's own space, in the teaching and learning platform "Aula Global". There are two types of tutorials: A) Collective tutorials. They are intended to clarify doubts or general problems related to the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, either at the request of the students or the teacher if he/she considers it necessary. They will be carried out in the classroom sessions established for the subject and through the Subject Forum (this forum will be attended by the professor, from Monday to Friday, from Monday to Friday). B) Individual tutorials. Their purpose is to plan, to follow up the course work, to guide or reorient the activity developed.... They will be done, at the student's request, online, within the timetable established for tutorials. In addition to these tutorials officially set for the subject, students can request and arrange with the teacher tutorials outside these hours.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • ARRIOLA NAVARRETE, O. . Evaluación de bibliotecas: un modelo desde la óptica de los sistemas de gestión de calidad.. México DF: Alfagrama, . 2006.
  • ASANTE, E.; NGULUBE, P. Critical success factors for total quality management implementation and implications for sustainable academic libraries. Library Management, 2020, vol. 41, no 6/7, Pp. 545-563. Critical success factors for total quality management implementation and implications for sustainable academic libraries. Library Management, 41 (6/7), 2020. Pp. 545-563.
  • ATKINSON, J. . Academic libraries and quality: an analysis and evaluation framework. . New Review of Academic Librarianship, Latest Articles . (May 2017).
  • ATKINSON, J. (ed.). . Quality and the Academic Library: Reviewing, Assessing and Enhancing Service Provision.. Oxford: Chandos Publishing, . 2016.
  • ATKINSON, J.; WALTON, G. . Establishing Quality in University Libraries: Role of External Frameworks. . New Review of Academic Librarianship, 23 (1), . 2017. Pp. 1-5.
  • BARTON, J. L. . Measurement, management and the Digital Library. . Library Review, 53 (3), . 2004. Pp. 138-141.
  • BERTOT, J.C. . Libraries and Networked Information Services: Issues and Considerations in Measurement.. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 5 (1), . 2004. Pp. 11-19.
  • CRISTOBAL, A. S . Expectations on Library Services, Library Quality (LibQual) Dimension and Library Customer Satisfaction: Relationship to Customer Loyalty. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), art. 1706, 2018 .
  • CULLEN, R. . Does performance measurement improve organizational effectiveness? A post modern analysis. . Performance Measurement and Metrics, 1 (1),. 1999. Pp. 9-30.
  • GIMENO PERELLÓ, J. . Evaluación de la calidad en bibliotecas: compromiso con lo público. . Buenos Aires: Alfagrama,. 2009.
  • HERNON, P. &. ALTMAN, E. . Assessing service quality: satisfying the expectations of library customers. . Chicago: ALA, . 1998.
  • HERRERA-VIEDMA, E.; LÓPEZ-GIJÓN, J. . El Modelo LibQual+ y SECABA para la evaluación de calidad de bibliotecas universitarias basada en satisfacción de usuarios. En, XVI Asamblea Anual de REBIUN, Cádiz, . 5-8 de noviembre 2008.
  • JARVIS, A., & PALMES, P. C. . ISO 9001:2015, understand, implement, succeed! . Boston, etc.: Pearson,. 2016
  • JORGE GARCIA-REYES, C. . Libraries as centers of excellence: quality management as inducer of libraries' social impact. Boosting the knowledge economy: key contributions from Information Services in educational, cultural and corporate environments. Elsevier.2022. Pp. 63-76
  • JORGE GARCÍA-REYES, C. . Acreditación y certificación de la calidad en bibliotecas universitarias: la experiencia española.. En, Satisfacción de usuarios. Evaluación Integral de bibliotecas. Lau, Jesús (comp.). Lau, Jesús (comp.). Xalapa (Ver.); México, D.F.; Buenos Aires (Arg.): Universidad Veracruzana; Library Outsourcing Service; Alfagrama, pp. 137-151, . ©2011.
  • LAKOS, A. . Culture of assessment as a catalyst for organizational culture change in libraries. . Proceedings of 4th Northumbria International Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, August 2001. Washington, DC: ARL, . 2002. Pp. 311-319.
  • MAHIBHA, G. Total quality management¿a requisite for modern library and information management. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, 2021, 13 (1). Pp. 1-8.
  • MANO GONZALEZ, M. de la (coord.).. NUEVOS instrumentos para la evaluación de bibliotecas: la normativa internacional ISO. . Madrid: AENOR, . 2014.
  • MUNDE, G.; MARKS, K. . Surviving the Future: Academic Libraries, Quality and Assessment. . Oxford: Chandos Publishing,. 2009.
  • NICHOLSON, S. . A conceptual framework for the holistic measurement and cumulative evaluation of library services.. Journal of Documentation, 60 (2), . 2004. Pp. 164-182.
  • NITECKI, D.A.; ABELS, E.G. . Exploring the cause and effect of library value. . Performance Measurement and Metrics, vol. 14 (1), . 2013, pp. 17-24.
  • ORGANIZACIÓN DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS (ONU). . La Agenda para el Desarrollo Sostenible. En, Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.. Dykinson. 2021
  • PACIOS, A.R. . A customer orientation checklist: a model. Library Review, 49 (4), 2000, pp. 173-178. .
  • PACIOS, A.R.; GUTIÉRREZ, J.M.; GARCÍA, F.; MORALES, A.M. . User Charters, Instruments for Public Library Transparency and Communication. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), 2021, 5569. .
  • PENACHO, J.L. . Vademécum de la Calidad en la gestión empresarial: Capítulo VI. Sistemas de indicadores de la calidad.. Forum Calidad, Año 20 (194), . 2008. Pp. 67-72.
  • POLL, R. . Performance, processes and costs: managing service quality with the balanced scorecard. . Library Trends, 49 ( 4), . 2001. Pp. 709-717.
  • POLL, R. . Benchmarking with quality indicators: national projects.. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 8 (1), . 2007. Pp. 41-53.
  • POLL, R. . Ten years after: Measuring Quality revised. . Performance Measurement and Metrics, 9 (1), . 2008. Pp. 26-37.
  • SACCHETTI, L. . ISO quality as a driver of continuous improvement. . Performance Measurement and Metrics, 8 (2),. 2007. Pp. 88-97.
  • SARAIVA, P. Quality 5.0 in turbulent times. Quality Progress, 56 (2023,10). Pp.18-25
  • SAYED, E.N. . Aligning planning with outcomes. . Performance Measurement and Metrics, 14 (2), . 2013, pp. 100-117.
  • STUBBING, A. Data Driven Decisions: A Practical Toolkit for Library and Information Professionals. Facet Publishing, UK, 2022.
  • YU, L.; HONG, Q.; GU, S.; WANG, Y. . An epistemological critique of gap theory based library assessment: the case of SERVQUAL.. Journal of Documentation, 64 (4), . Pp. 511-551.
Additional Bibliography
  • It will become available as the course of the subject progresses. .. .. .
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
  • They will be made available as the course progresses · . : http://
Detailed subject contents or complementary information about assessment system of B.T.
(*) Access to some electronic resources may be restricted to members of the university community and require validation through Campus Global. If you try to connect from outside of the University you will need to set up a VPN

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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