Checking date: 17/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Vocabularies and Semantic Schemes for the Web
Master in Libraries, Archives and Digital Continuity (Plan: 500 - Estudio: 335)

Coordinating teacher: MENDEZ RODRIGUEZ, EVA MARIA

Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
There is not a mandatory course that the student need to have passed beforehand
BASIC SKILLS: CB9 Students might know how to communicate their conclusions and the latest knowledge to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way. GENERAL SKILLS: CG5 To Recognize the growing importance of teamwork in the world of work and demonstrate adaptability and integration in different work environments, maintaining relationships and communication workflows. CG8 To value the rigorous work, in planning, organizing and developing one's own activities, demonstrating initiative, creativity and sense of responsibility, maintaining interest throughout the process, and feeling personal satisfaction with the results achieved. CG9 To make judgments and communicate conclusions and be able to do reasoning to support them in frot of specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear way. CG11 Capacity to interpret methodologies, technologies, policies and new methods of information analysis, processing and retrieval. SPECIFIC SKILLS CE1 To know and analyze the current and future of ICTs and their application in libraries and archives. CE6 Tu use metadata vocabularies and other semantic schema/es for digital information processing LEARNING OUTCOMES In this course is specially important everything related to interoperability among digital data and information, as well as other digital assets, with special focus on Semantic Web and LOD (Linked Open Data) technologies. At the end of the course, students should be able to: - Distinguish and choose the vocabularies that best suit to represent the digital objects in the GLAM institutions (galleries, libraries, archives and museums) as well as other kinds of digital information services. - Know and select the appropriate international standards for the creation of vocabularies. Not only from the point of view of the rules of construction in terms of semantic relationships but also the specifications and standards to formalize such vocabularies for the Web. - Lead and/or approach a project of vocabularies and metadata creation including its update and creation of the best practices and manuals to use those vocabularies in order to better represent digital information objects. - Use and manage specific software for the creation and maintenance of thesauri, ontologies, taxonomies and other vocabularies. - Understand the semantic search engine optimization on the Web.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Theory: UD0: Vocabularies in digital libraries and information systems UD1: Context, evolution and theoretical foundations of vocabularies UD2: Linked Open Data and Linked Open Vocabularies UD3: Standards for the formalization of vocabularies ON/FOR the Web UD4: Resource Description Framework: RDF and RDFs UD5: Simple Knowledge Organization Systems: SKOS UD6: Ontology Web Language: OWL Practice (Small Private Online Course - Videos for the students to address the practical scenario) SPOC-Module 1: Needs analysis / Functional requirements of vocabularies SPOC-Module 2: Analysis of the environment. Searching, analyzing and choosing pre-existing vocabularies SPOC-Module 3: The tools in the development and management of vocabularies SPOC-Module 4: Development structure vocabularies (schema) SPOC-Module 5: Creating content vocabularies (concept scheme) SPOC-Module 6: Linked Open Vocabularies: our vocabularies on the web of linked data SPOC-Module 7: Evaluation and maintenance of vocabularies
Learning activities and methodology
* THE TRAINING ACTIVITIES ACORDING TO THE STUDY PLANIFICATION WILL BE: AF1 Individual work for the study of theoretical and practical materials developed and contributed by the teacher. AF2 Individual work for problem solving and case studies. AF3 Theoretical-practical classes. AF4 Tutorials. AF5 Group work. AF6 Active participation in forums enabled by the teacher in the virtual educational platform. AF7 Perform self-assessment test for content review. AF8 Synchronous online debates and colloquiums Type of activity Is it synchronous? Total hours Hours of synchronous interactivity No. In-person hours % In-person attendance Student AF1 NO 49 0 0 0 AF2 NO 45 0 0 0 AF3 SI 6 6 6 100 AF4 SI 6 6 0 0 AF5 NO 60 0 0 0 AF6 NO 2 0 0 0 AF7 SI 6 6 0 0 AF8 SI 6 6 0 0 Total 180 24 6 3,33% * TEACHING METHODOLOGIES: MD1 Presentations in the teacher's class with support of computer and audiovisual media, in which the main concepts of the subject are developed and the bibliography is provided to complement the students' learning. MD2 Critical reading of texts recommended by the teacher of the subject: Press articles, reports, manuals and / or academic articles, either for later discussion in class, or to expand and consolidate the knowledge of the subject. MD3 Resolution of practical cases, problems, etc. Raised by the teacher individually or in a group. MD4 Exposition and discussion in class, under the moderation of the professor of subjects related to the content of the subject, as well as of practical cases. MD5 Preparation of individual and group work and reports. MD6 Reading of theoretical and practical teaching materials.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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