Checking date: 18/07/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Common Law in Perspective (II)
Master in International Advocacy (Plan: 370 - Estudio: 334)

Coordinating teacher: REDONDO APARICIO, AGUSTIN

Department assigned to the subject: Private Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Degree in Law.
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Common Law in perspective (II) 1.- Property and security. Civil law comparisons. a) The Law of Real Property. Estates in Land. b) The Law of Personal Property, and assignment. c) Credit and Security Rights (I). Creation (attachment and perfection) of security interests, and the role of registration. d) Credit and Security Rights (II). Mortgages. e) Credit and Security Rights (III). Charges and floating security. 2.- The Law of Trusts a) General aspects: origins, equity jurisdiction, equity principles. b) The Trustees duties, and remedies for breach of trust. c) Specific types of trust: business trusts, investment trusts. 3.- The Law of Tort Liability. Civil law comparisons a) The Law of Torts and its evolution. b) The Tort of Negligence. c) Causation. d) Pure economic loss and liability for false statements.
Learning activities and methodology
LEARNING ACTIVITIES AF1 Theory lectures AF2 Practical lectures AF3 Theorico-practical lectures AF6 Group project AF7 Individual project METHODOLOGY MD1: Lectures by the teacher with the support of audiovisual and computerized means in which the basic concepts of the subject shall be explained and the basic bibliography shall be recommended to complete the students knowledge. MD2: Critical Reading of texts recommended by the teacher: newspapers articles, reports, handbooks and/or academic papers, for their discussion in class or to consolidate the knowledge on the subject. MD3: Solving cases, problems, etc. posed by the teacher individually or in groups. MD4: Briefing and discussion in class, moderated by the teacher, of matters related to the content of the subject, as well as practical cases. MD5: Preparation of individual or group papers and briefings. TUTORING: Students will have access to tutorials with the person responsible for coordinating the subject. With the tutoring it is intended to organize the teaching and learning processes that are based on the interaction between the student and the teacher in order to: (i) Guide the autonomous and group work of the students (ii) Deepen in different aspects of the subject (iii) Guide the academic and comprehensive training of the student. The tutorials will take place at the time and under the conditions determined by the teacher in Aula Global.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • BEALE, H., BRIDGE, M., GULLIFER, L., LOMNICKA, E.. The Law of personal property security. Oxford University Press. last edition
  • BUSSANI, M., SEBOK, A.. Comparative Tort Law. Research Handbooks in Comparative Law series. last edition
  • CUMING, R.C.C.. Personal property security law. Irwin Law. last edition
  • GREY, K., GRAY, S.F.. Land Law. Oxford University Press. last edition
  • HEUSTON, R.F.V., BUCKLEY, R.A.. Law of Torts. Sweet & Maxwel. last edition
  • HOWARTH, D.R., O¿SULLIVAN, J.A.. Tort: cases and materials. Butterworths. last edition
  • KIONKA, E.J.. Torts in a nutshell. West Academic Publishing. last edition
  • LUPOI, M.. Trusts: A comparative study. Cambridge University Press. last edition
  • MARKESINIS, B.S., DEAKIN, S.F.. Tort Law. Clarendon Press. last edition
  • MEGARRY, HON. SIR R. and WADE, H.W.R.. The Law of Real Property. Stevens & Sons Limited. last edition
  • MULHERON, R.. Principles of Tort Law. Cambridge University Press. last edition
  • PARKER, D., MELLOWS, A.R.. The modern Law of Trusts. Sweet & Maxwell. last edition
  • PENNER, J.E., PADFIELD, N.. The Law of Trusts. Oxford University Press. last edition
  • SEXTON, R. . Land Law Textbook. Oxford University Press. last edition
  • SPARKES, P.. European Land Law. Hart Publishing. last edition
  • THOMPSON, M.P. Modern Land Law. Oxford University Press. last edition
  • VAN DAM, C.. European Tort Law. Oxford University Press. 2014
  • VIRGO, G.. The principles of equity and trust. Oxford University Press. last edition
  • VIRGO, G.. The principles of equity and trust. Oxford University Press. last edition
  • WATT, G.. Trust and equity. Oxford University Press. last edition
  • WEBB, C., AKKOUH, T.. Trusts Law. Palgrave Macmillan. last edition
  • WILSON, S.. Textbook on Trusts. Oxford University Press. last edition

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.