Checking date: 02/11/2022

Course: 2024/2025

Master Thesis
Master in Libraries, Archives and Digital Continuity (Plan: 500 - Estudio: 335)

Coordinating teacher: ROBLEDANO ARILLO, JESUS

Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Master Final Project
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Under the regulations of the University, only students who have passed all the subjects that are qualified in their academic record will present and defend the TFM. Work may be delivered when the minutes of a call has not been closed, if not more than thirty credits are unqualified, including the TFM. In addition, in order to register the subject I Master's Thesis must be enrolled in all subjects pending for the completion of the curriculum.
BASIC SKILLS CB6 To possess and understand knowledge that provide a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a context of research CB7 To know how to apply the acquired knowledge and their ability to solve problems in new or little known environments within wider (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their study area CB8 To be able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments from information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities related to the application of their knowledge and judgments CB9 To know how to communicate their findings and the knowledge and last reasons that support them to specialized and unskilled audiences in a clear and unambiguous way GENERAL COMPETENCIES CG8 To appreciate the rigorous and well done work, by planning, organizing and developing our own activities, showing initiative, creativity and sense of responsibility, maintaining the interest throughout the process, and feeling personal satisfaction for the results achieved. CG9 To integrate knowledge, formulate judgments and communicate its conclusions, as well as the knowledge and last reasons that support them, to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way. SPECIFIC SKILLS CE9 To acquire the necessary knowledge to be able to elaborate the TFM (Trabajo Fin de Máster, Master Thesis), academic works, reports, memoirs or similar documents, in an appropriate way, both from the formal point of view and from the perspective of the content LEARNING OUTCOMES The objective of the TFM is that the student demonstrates knowledge and competencies in the overall aspects of the master, developing the solution to a problematic posed. In this sense, students should be able to: -present and defend the evolution of their work throughout the master's degree -Use a combination of generalist and specialized knowledge to propose the solution to a specific problem -Apply methods and technologies for designing digital solution proposals in archives and document management -Establish the appropriate legal and ethical restrictions contained in the proposed solution -Design Creative Solutions -To establish through processes of analysis the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed solution.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The TFM (Trabajo de Fin de Máster, Master Thesis) is not a subject comparable to the rest of the modules or subjects, but it is key in the master. This subject is focused not only on the learning of the student, but also in its ability to demonstrate and defend it through the accomplishment of a specific work on one of the subjects chosen by the student, according to a teacher-tutor. The work will be carried out individually or exceptionally in a group of two people, with the permission of the director of the Master. To guide the student in the choice of the subject of his TFM, the professors will propose specific topics of work for their choice. PROCEDURE FOR THE PRESENTATION OF THE TFM Detailed below are the steps to be followed for the presentation and defense of the TFM, once finished, and having agreed his presentation the tutor and the student: 1. The direction of the master will establish the dates of presentation and defense of the works through the academic calendar of the master, and will communicate to the students the deadlines of presentation to attend a concrete call. 2. The courts shall be appointed to evaluate the TFM in each convocation according to the following criteria: -The court consist of 3 professors of the master or, failing that, professors of the departments that participate in the teaching. -The courts are appointed following the random criterion of the order of the first surname, on an alphabetical list with all the teachers of the master. -A court will not evaluate more than 5 TFMs. 3. The student will confirm the presentation of his work to the direction of the master and upload two identical copies in PDF of the work in the learning platform (AG, Aula Global): - A copy, in the Turnitin delivery activity, created for each call. - Another, in a normal delivery activity, as a backup copy. The court shall have access to both copies from the delivery of the TFM to the date of its defence. 4. The tutor of the TFM will send two copies of the form that authorizes the presentation of the TFM, available in AG: - One, by internal mail, on paper and signed, to the administrative secretary of the Master - One, by email, identical to that sent on paper, to the master's Director. This copy, with the director's assessment, must be available, prior to the defence of the work, for consultation by the court. 5. The direction of the Master and the Tribunal shall agree on the time and place of the defences, which shall be communicated to the students. 6. Each student should present his or her work in court in 15 minutes, and should also answer all the questions asked 7. The Tribunal shall evaluate each TFM through the ad hoc evaluation matrix, available in AG. 8. Once the act of defense has been completed and all the students are evaluated, the Clerk of the Tribunal (who will be the least old professor, among the appointed), shall forward to the postgraduate service the results of the evaluation so that the administrative secretary of the master passes the results to the corresponding record of the TFM.
Learning activities and methodology
TRAINING ACTIVITIES OF THE CURRICULUM RELATING TO SUBJECTS AF2 Individual work for problem solving and case studies AF4 Tutorials 4 ECTS will be devoted to activities for the acquisition of basic theoretical knowledge, and include the following training activities: -2 ECTS dedicated to the selection and reading by the student and his tutor of the most relevant readings, studies, reports, etc. in the world in relation to his subject. -2 ECTS dedicated to face-to-face or online meetings of the tutor with the student to discuss issues related to work, corrections, etc. 2 ECTS will be devoted to activities for the acquisition of skills and abilities, including data management, the use of specific standards and technologies, the management of particular software applications and/or the application of managerial or quality techniques necessary to address, from a practical point of view, the theme of the TFM. Code Activity Hours total Hours attendance % Student Attendance AF2 170 0 0% AF4 10 10 5,55% TOTAL SUBJECT 180 10 5.55% TEACHING METHODOLOGIES MD2 Critical reading of texts recommended by the professor of the subject: press articles, reports, manuals and/or academic articles, for later discussion in class, or to broaden and to consolidate the knowledge of the subject. MD5 elaboration of work and reports individually or in a group MD6 reading of theoretical and practical teaching materials
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 100
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 0

Assessment Matrix
Detailed subject contents or complementary information about assessment system of B.T.
Additional information

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.