One of the most pressing problems in the current criminal law is the crime generated by the behaviors that generically be placed in the area of corruption, which now not only linked with exercise, irregular, public function, but with certain activities in the private field. So in this subject empirical and historical foundations and international context will be developed: especially the EU rules against corruption. Techniques for achieving impunity: making the standard application thereof and extraordinary means (irrelevant sanctions, prescriptions, forfeitures, forgiveness, pardon, amnesty). Corruption and criminal legal category: alternatives to traditional forms of punishment of corruption. Corruption in politics. Political parties and corruption; financing of political parties. offenses safeguards built in Public Administration: especially influence peddling, bribery and embezzlement. Corruption in the private sector and sports corruption. urban corruption: powers of local authorities in planning matters. administrative control instruments of urbanism. Enforcement of judgments of administrative litigation in planning matters (the opposition of the Legislative Assemblies of the Autonomous Communities). specific offenses relating to regional planning, environment and historical heritage. Thus, the program will have the following content:
1. Introduction and national and international perspective of the phenomenon of corruption. ¿Social acceptance of it ?. The so-called "failed states" or how corruption can mean the disappearance or replacement of the rule of law and democracy.
2. The criminal concept of corruption and its extension to the private sphere.
3. The perpetrators of the crime: extension of the criminal concept of public servant.
4. The recent criminal policy against corruption: recent and future reforms in this area. His necesariedad or innecesariedad and resort to other sources of prior control (and perhaps more effective) to criminal law.
5. Political parties and corruption. Real or merely symbolic involvement of political parties in the fight against corruption: making the rules, the penalties provided, granting pardons and irregular and illegal financing thereof. Are there any "legislative prevarications" ?.
6. The administrative malfeasance.
7. Specific prevarications: urban crime, historical heritage and the environment.
8. The crime of bribery and its recent reform. ¿Future reforms?
9. The crimes of influence peddling, his recent and conscious reform to make the offense even more ineffective. Is legal regulation and control of lobbies ?.
10. Embezzlement. Recent reform of it. Purpose: fight against corruption?
11. Fraud and extortion.
12. Negotiations forbidden to civil servants.
14.- The crime of illicit enrichment. Doubts, necessity and deficient legislative technique used for its classification.13. Corruption in international business transactions.
15. The extent of the criminal concept of corruption: corruption in the private sector and corruption in sport.