Ch. 1. Historical and Institutional background (No part of the exam)
*Allen and Gale (94), chs. 1,2
De la Vega (1688)
Ch. 2. A Basic Framework
- Individuals consumption and investment decisions
- Rules for managers of corporations
- Perfect, complete and efficient markets
- Extension 1: many dates
- Extension 2: uncertainty
- Application: the dangers of shortermism and longtermism in corporate policy.
Brealey, Myers and Allen, chs. 1-6
Copeland and Weston, 1,2
*Fried, Jesse, "The Uneasy Case for Favouring Long-Term Shareholders", 2013.
Ch. 3. Rationality and Walrasian Equilibrium (No part of the exam)
- The axioms of rationality
- Utility functions
- Agents¿ decision problem
- Static pure exchange economy
- Why studying the Walrasian equilibrium
Marín and Rubio, 16.
Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green, 1995.
Ch. 4. Financial Equilibrium: Existence, Efficiency and Valuation
- A simple model of equilibrium in capital markets: certainty
- Extension to many periods
- The financial equilibrium in economies with uncertainty
- Economies with a full set of Arrow securities
- General economy with complex securities
Huang and Litzenberger,
LeRoy and Werner, 1.
Marín and Rubio, 17.
Ch. 5. Behavior under Uncertainty
- Expected utility
- Risk aversion
- The portfolio choice problem
- Comparative statics results
- Useful utility functions
- Mean-variance analysis
- Asset pricing with expected utility: CCAPM and CAPM
Brealey and Myers, 7,8
Copeland and Weston, 6,7
Huang and Litzenberger, 3,4
LeRoy and Werner, 8-10.
Marín and Rubio, 18
Ch. 6. Asset Pricing in Equilibrium: CAPM
- Diversification and the measurement of risk
- The CAPM
- The role of the assumptions of the CAPM
- Asset Management: Conflict of Interests
- Hedge Funds
LeRoy and Werner, 8-10.
Marin and Rubio, 19.
Huang and Litzenberger, 3,4
*Cukurova and Marín, "Darwinian Selection in the Hedge Fund Industry", 2015.
*Golez and Marín, "Price Support by Bank-Affiliated Mutual Funds", 2015.
Ch. 7. Market Efficiency
- The Market Efficiency Hypothesis (MEH)
- The Grossman-Stiglitz paradox
- The joint test of market efficiency
- New developments on the MEH
Brealey, Myers and Allen, 13
Huang and Litzenberger,
Copeland and Weston, 10, 11
*Grossman, S.J., Stiglitz, J. "On the Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets"
*Karapandza and Marín, "The Rate of Market Efficiency", 2015.
Ch. 8. Options
- Concepts and institutional background
- Pricing: binomial distribution
- Pricing: the Black and Scholes option pricing formula
- General Theory of Pricing in the Absence of Arbitrage.