CB6, To have with understanding knowledge about materials characterization with the use of thermal analysis techniques giving the basis and the opportunity of being original in the development and application of ideas, mainly in a scientific and researching context.
CB7, Students must apply their acquired knowledge on the techniques of thermal analysis and their skills for solving thermal characterization problems on new environments or little known within wider contexts (multidisciplinary) related with the field of study.
CB8, students should be able of integrating different knowledge and affronting the complexity of formulating reasons from one information that, although being incomplete or limited, had thoughts about social and ethical responsibilities associated to their knowledge and decisions.
CB9, students should be able to communicate their conclusions so last reasons to specialized and non-specialized public in a clear way without ambiguities.
CB10, Students must possess the learning skills that enable them to continue studying in a way that will be mainly self-directed or autonomous.
CG1, students must understand the need and therefore, the usefulness of thermal analysis techniques in the frame of Materials Science and Engineering within both and industrial and research contexts.
CG2, students must know the best methods in order to perform thermal analysis of materials to finally work properly in a laboratory of materials and optimize how to obtain results.
CG3, Students should develop teamwork skills in a research context.
CG6, Students should acquire the necessary skills to defend a results report about thermal analysis in a scientific and industrial environment.
CG7, Students should acquire creative and decision-making strategies to address problems related to thermo-mechanical properties of materials in relation to their subsequent design, manufacturing and performance.
CE6, Students should know how to interpret, discuss and make conclusions from the experimental data obtained using thermal analysis techniques in the world of Materials Science and Engineering.
EC 9, Students must consolidate the specific research skills in the field of Materials Science and Engineering.
CE10, Students must acquire knowledge and skills about mecano-thermal scientific techniques to solve specific problems associated with the working in a research laboratory in the field of designe, development and characterization of materials.
Students should learned to:
1) Select a technique of thermal, mechanical or thermo-mechanical analysis suitable for obtaining specific information about a material.
2) Know the basics of the different techniques of thermal, mechanical and thermo-mechanical analysis:
- Thermogravimetric Analysis.
- Differential Thermal Analysis.
- Differential Scanning Calorimetry.
- Dilatometry.
- Tensile tests, compression, hardness, impact.
- Creep Testing.
- Dynamic-mechanical-thermal analysis.
3) Know the most appropriate methods for sample preparation when using the thermomechanical techniques considered.
4) Know the most appropriate methods for the analysis of the results obtained from the performance of the tests associated with thermo-mechanical techniques.
5) Know the best way to present the results of thermal, mechanical and thermo-mechanical analysis.
6) Infer and get general conclusions from the thermo-mechanical properties of materials from the correct interpretation of the results.