Checking date: 17/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Communication and advertising foundations
Master in Advertising Communication (Plan: 359 - Estudio: 326)


Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
COMPETENCES CB6, To have and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and / or application of ideas, often in a research context. CB10, That students have the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous. CG1, To know the basis of advertising communication theories. CE2, To contextualize historically Advertising Communication and the current problems it faces. CE3, To identify creative techniques from the creation of the concept to the advertising campaign. LEARNING OUTCOMES To acquire and apply knowledge about contemporary advertising and communication. To understand and apply advertising theory to the development of advertising messages. To compare different advertising theories in relation to the practice of the advertising industry.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Part One. Fundamentals Introduction to Advertising & Communication Typology of advertising Advertising and society. Open debates on the role of advertising in society Public Service Advertising. Using Advertising to promote new values and change. Part two. Advertising, agencies, and Public Relations The main agents of the advertising process The role of the advertiser Advertising Agencies: structure and types. Public relations. Strategies and scope. Part three. Brand communication and strategic planning Types of markets Key players in strategic brand communication Brand communication and Marketing communication Marketing Mix Creating a brand Part Four. Advertising and Media Advertising and effectiveness. Facets of impact. Publicidad y medios Media landscape Media Planning. Fundamentals of Media StrategyOwned, paid, and earned media Alternative uses to traditional media Part Five. Advertising and New Media. Integration Media basics: The media industry. Key media players Why and how is the Media landscape changing Alternative Media Forms Digital advertising and new channels. Alternative communication tools. Social networking and advertising. Direct Marketing, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, Events and Sponsorships. Part Six. Creative Strategies. Creativity and Content Creation. The Big Idea and the creative process. Managing creative strategies. Creative effectiveness.
Learning activities and methodology
LEARNING ACTIVITIES Theoretical classes Practical classes Tutoring Group work Individual work TEACHING METHODOLOGY -Lectures in class by the lecturer with the support of audiovisual media, in which the main concepts of the course will be developed. Bibliography will be provideed in order to complement the knowledge of the students. -Critical review of readings and audiovisual material suggested by the lecturer: press articles, videos, advertising campaigns, reports, manuals and academic articles, either for class' discussion or for students to amplify and consolidate the courses's content. -Resolution of advertising and communication case studies posed by the lecturer, in an individual or group manner. -Presentation and discussion in class, under the lecturer's moderation, of topics related to the course as well as case studies. -Assignments and reports done by students in an indivisual or group manner.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Basic Bibliography
  • Belch, G.E., Belch, M.A., Kerr, G., Powell, I. Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communication Perspective. Mc Graw Hiill. 2012
  • Moriarty, S., Mitchell, N., Wood, C. and Wells, W. . Advertising and IMC: Principles and Practice. . Financial Times Prentice Hall. 2008
  • OGILVY, DAVID. Confessions of an Advertising Man. Harpenden: Southbank.. 2013
  • Tellis, Gerard J. Effective advertising: Understanding when, how, and why advertising works,. Sage Publications. 2004
  • Wells, William. Advertisng: principles and practice.. Pearson Education. 2008
Additional Bibliography
  • Yoram Wind, Catharine Hays . Beyond advertising : creating value through all customer touchpoints, 2nd ed.. Wiley. 2016
  • Autor Kenneth E. Clow Donald Baack. Concise encyclopedia of advertising - Encyclopedias Electronic books. New York : Routledge. 2012
  • PERCEVAL. La Historia Mundial de la Comunicación. MADRID, CATEDRA. 2015
  • WATKINS, J.. The 100 greatest advertisements 1852-1958. Who wrote them and what they did.. Nueva York. Dover Publications.. 2014

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.