Checking date: 07/04/2021

Course: 2024/2025

Intergovernamental relationships
Bachelor in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (2013 Study Plan) (Plan: 306 - Estudio: 283)

Coordinating teacher: JURADO NEBREDA, IGNACIO

Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Spanish politics I. Spanish politics II. Spanish Political Syetem
Capacity analysis of cooperative and competitive relationships that develop between the various levels of government within the compounds States. Understanding the complex architecture and true political and administrative dynamics of the Spanish Autonomous State.
Description of contents: programme
1. unit and compounds States. The Spanish Autonomous State 2. Theoretical and conceptual framework of the Intergovernmental Relations . Multilevel governance and management 3. Territorial Model and Intergovernmental Relations in Spain 4. The management intergubernametal Spain : Administrative structures , multilevel policies and intergovernmental funding 5. The Intergovernmental Relations in globalized scenarios and the information society
Learning activities and methodology
- Conventional classes (50 % of the schedule ) . - Specific analysis in reduced groups (50 % of the schedule ) . - Tutoring schedule set for that purpose.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Agranoff, R.. Local Governments and their intergovernmental networks in federalizing Spain. McGill-Queen´s Press-MQUP. 2010
  • Agranoff, R. . Autonomy, devolution and intergovernmental relations. Regional and Federal Studies 14(1). pp: 26-65. 2004
  • Aja, E.. Estado Autonómico y reforma federal. Alianza. 2014
  • Alba, C. y Vanaclocha, F.J.. El sistema político local: un nuevo escenario de gobierno. UC3M. 1997
  • Bañón, R. y Agranoff, R.. El Estado de las Autonomías: ¿hacia un nuevo federalismo?. IVAP. 1998
  • Bañón, R. y Carrillo, E.. La nueva Administración Pública. Alianza. 1997
  • Ferri, J. et al.. Política y gobierno en el Estado Autonómico. Tirant lo Blanch. 2013
  • López Nieto, L. coord.. Relaciones Intergubernamentales en la España democrática. Dykinson. 2006
  • Natera, A. y Vanaclocha, F.J.. Los liderazgos en el mercado político y la gestión pública. UC3M. 2005
  • Olias de Lima, B. coord.. La Nueva Gestión Pública.. Prentice Hall. 2001
  • Ortega, L.. La reforma del Estado Autonómico. CEPC. 2005
Additional Bibliography
  • VV.AA.. Municipalismo en un Estado Cooperativo. 2010. FEMP

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.