Checking date: 28/03/2023

Course: 2024/2025

History of the today's world
Bachelor in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (2013 Study Plan) (Plan: 306 - Estudio: 283)

Coordinating teacher: HERAS HERRERO, BEATRIZ DE LAS

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The following book is recommended as background reading to the discussion: El Mundo Actual. Manual de Historia Universal¿ de Javier Tusell.
The main target of the subject is the acquisition of knowledge and skills that allow students to analyse the recent past from the perspective of the History of the Contemporany Worl (1945-). If we focus on specific objectives, aftercompleting this subject, the student will: - Know the historical context after the end of the Second World War from a political, economical, social and cultural point of view. - Acquire a Deep and complex view of the present-day and near future problems. - Handle different sources of memory for studing the History. The students will lear the way to analyse texts, chronicles, oral testimonies and, above all, images. - Have a transdisciplinary view of the History.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The subject ¿Historia del Mundo Actual¿ revolves around three main points which will be crossed througout the course: theory (block 1), methodology (block 2) and context (block 3): 0. Course Introduction: What is HMA? Epistemological, theoretical and methodological features which define the period. 1. Theory: 1.1 The sources of the present. 1.2 Present as a place in the time. 1.3 The way to escape from the present-time. 2. Methodology: What images say or don´t say in the Present-day framework. 2.1 The History ¿from¿ the images. The HMA as a framework. 2.2 The studies from the images: what images show or hide in the History. 2.3 The relationships between History and Images (1945-2001) 3. Context: Analysis of the HMA: 3.1 The world after the Second World War. The consequences of a war at a global level. 3.2 The Cold War. The new world order. 3.3 The 90`s. The prelude to other era. 3.4 From September 11 attacks until present time. The new era has arisen.
Learning activities and methodology
Students will attend two kinf of lessons. On the one hand, theoetical clases where students will reflecto n how present time has arisen. On the other one, the practical lessons where students will approach the new historical events from the study of the sources.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • ARACIL, R. . El mundo actual. De la Segunda Guerra Mundial a nuestros días,. UAB. 1998
  • Aróstegui Sánchez, Julio, y Jorge Saborido. El tiempo presente. Un mundo globalmente desordenado. Eudeba. 2005
  • BECK, U.. La Sociedad del Riesgo. Hacia una nueva modernidad. Paidos. 2002
  • BLACKBURN, R. . Después de la Caída. El fracaso del comunismo y el futuro del socialismo. . Crítica. 1993
  • CALVOCORESSI, P.. Historia política del Mundo Contemporáneo. De 1945 a nuestros días. Akal. 1987
  • FONTANA, J.. Por el bien del Imperio. Una historia del mundo desde 1945, Barcelona, , 2011.. Ediciones de Pasado y Presente. 2011
  • HOBSBAWM, E. Historia del siglo XX. Crítica. 1998
  • Halperín, Jorge. De utopías y banderas: seis grandes pensadores analizan los movimientos progresistas en el mundo actual: entrevistas a Carlos Altamirano, Ignacio Ramonet, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Horacio Tarcus, Juan José Sebreli y Norman Birnbaum. Capital Intelectual. 2008
  • Kapuscinski, Ryszard. El mundo de hoy: autorretrato de un reportero. Anagrama. 2004
  • Kapuscinski, Ryszard. El mundo de hoy: autorretrato de un reportero. Anagrama. 2004
  • Lettieri, Alberto. Discutir el presente, imaginar el futuro: la problemática del mundo actual. Prometeo Libros. 2006
  • MARTINEZ RUEDA, F., URQUIJO, J.. Materiales para la historia del mundo actual,. Istmo. 2006
  • TOBOSO SANCHEZ, P.. Diccionario de historia del mundo actual. Alianza. 2005

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.