-----Evi Pappa ----------
Part I. Business-Cycle Facts Around the World.
How business cycles compare across countries?
Part II. Simple Small Open Economy (SOE) Models.
An Open Endowment Economy
An Open Economy with Capital
Part III. The Open Economy Real Business Cycle Model.
The building blocks of the model
Model and data predictions
Part IV. The role of productivity and financial shocks.
How important are productivity shocks for business cycles
Financial frictions or productivity shocks?
Part V. External shocks as a source of business cycle variations.
Interest rate shocks
Terms of Trade shocks
Part VI. Extensions of the SOE Model.
Fiscal Policy in the SOE
Green Transition
----------Emircan Yurdagul------
Part VII. Building blocks of sovereign default literature.
Big picture, motivating facts
The seminal paper: Eaton and Gersovitz (1981)
Recent benchmarks: Arellano (2008), Aguiar and Gopinath (2006)
Part VIII. Sovereign bonds with long maturity.
Exogenous maturity: Hatchondo and Martinez (2009), Chatterjee and Eyigungor (2012)
Endogenous maturity: Aguiar, Amador, Hopenhayn, and Werning (2019), Sanchez, Sapriza,
and Yurdagul (2018)
Part IX. Debt restructurings.
Empirical facts: Cruces and Trebesch (2013)
Modeling endogenous restructuring: Dvorkin, Snchez, Sapriza, and Yurdagul (2021)
Part X. Interaction with other assets and agents.
Risk averse international lenders: Lizarazo (2013)
Domestic lending through a banking sector: Sosa-Padilla (2018)
Sovereign and private default risk: Kaas, Mellert, and Scholl (2020)
Sovereign default and reserves: Bianchi, Hatchondo, and Martinez (2018)
Sovereign default and capital accumulation: Seoane and Yurdagul (2022)
Part XI. Sudden stops.
Self-fulfilling crises: Cole and Kehoe (2000), Bocola and Dovis (2016)
Models with occasionally binding constraints: Bianchi (2011), Seoane and Yurdagul (2019)
Part XII. Numerical analysis (covered simultaneously with the rest of the syllabus).
Smart discrete search: Gordon and Qiu (2015)
Solving Arellano (2008)
Dynamic discrete search techniques applied to sovereign default models: Dvorkin, Snchez, Sapriza, and Yurdagul (2021).