Checking date: 17/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Economic and financial management company
Master in Business Legal Advice (Plan: 344 - Estudio: 317)

Coordinating teacher: TAPIA TORRES, MIGUEL ANGEL

Department assigned to the subject: Business Administration Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Target Audience: This course is adequated for any student in the master Course Language: This course is totally taught in Spanish. No previous courses are necessary.
GENERAL COMPETENCES: Students will achieve the ability to answer new problems, using a large amount of information. They will learn how work in unstable situations, being part of a team or individually. They will also promote their ability of leadership. SPECIFIC COMPETENCES: The aim of this course is to understand the main elements that make up the strategy, accounting and finance of a firm During the course of Finance 1. The student acquires a global visión of valuation. 2. The students will learn how to value projects and companies 3. The students will learn how to calculate cost of capital and cash flow. During the course of Accounting Analysis 1. The student acquires a global visión of the principle aspects and motives that form strategic company decisions. 2. The student will see the importance of the analysis of the industry environment in company decisions. 3. The student will learn more profoundly the different strategic options that can be made in the business world. 4. The student will have the capacity, using the economic-financial information of the company, along with the sales and production areas, to make important strategic decisions to better the results of the organisation. During the course of Accounting Analysis 1. The student acquires knowledge of the main conceptual terms of an accounting nature, as well as the information contained in the annual accounts of the company 2. The student will learn the financial relations/ratios of most importance 3. The student will be qualified to interpret and evaluate the financial ratios calculated from the yearly accounts of a company. 4. The student, using the information and the conclusions obtained from the ratios, will be in the condition to make better decisions regarding business decisions COURSE DESCRIPTION The content of the program is divided into 3 parts that cover the main aspects of the strategy, accounting and finance of a firm
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Part One: Finance 1. Introduction to the valuation. 2. Calculation of Opportunity Cost of Capital . 3. Calculation of Cash Flows 4. Forecast of Cash Flows . 5. NPV Rivals Part II: Strategic Management 1. Analysis of the environment: 1.1. Variables that influence 1.2. Characteristics of the sector 1.3. Competition 2. Strategy and competitive advantage 3. Corporate Strategy: 3.1. Vertical Integration 3.2. Diversification 3.3. Outsourcing 4. Mergers and acquisitions. Forms of internal and external growth. 5. Cooperation Strategies between companies 6. Sustainability applied to SME. Part III: Accounting Analysis 1. Accounting Function in Business 2. Basic Concepts of Accounting 3. NIC-NIFF Rules 4. General Accounting Plan 4.1. Yearly Accounts 5. Accounting Analysis- Accounting Ratios 6. Practical examples of balance analysis
Learning activities and methodology
EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Theoretical classes Practice Workgroups Individual student work Teaching methodology In class presentations, in which the main concepts are developed and bibliography is provided Solution of practical cases, problems , etc. Presentation and discussion of topics related to the content of the subject, as well as Case Studies Preparation of papers and reports individual or in groups
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 20
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 80

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • AMAT, ORIOL. Análisis de estados financieros: fundamentos y aplicaciones. Editorial GESTIÓN 2000. . 2011
  • GRANT, R.M.. Dirección estratégica . Civitas Thomson Reuters. 2014
  • Robert C. Higgins. . Analysis for Financial Management 10th edition. . McGraw Hill. .

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.