Checking date: 07/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Master's Thesis
Master in Hispanic Cultural Heritage (Plan: 357 - Estudio: 254)

Coordinating teacher: FRIAS NUÑEZ, MARCELO

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Master Final Project
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


General skills: 1. Get a specialized and advanced knowledge of methods and technics of analysis of the field chosen as TFM. 2. Develop the critical instruments of analysis to be able to solve the problems related to Cultural Inheritance, and the changes due to different political, cultural and social contexts. 3. Acquire a good awareness of the social, cultural and environmental issues related to cultural inheritance. 4. Be able to assess the intercultural influence from Antiquity until nowadays, considering the contribution to the making of mentalities, landscapes or cultural-historic places which could be topics of TFM. 5. Get the skills to be able to catalog, transcribe, analyze, transfer, etc. the cultural information in a systematic way. Specific skills: 1. Practice the diachronic structure of historical processes in their social, politic, economic and cultural dimension of the thesis topic. 2. Perform the definition of topics and projects related to Cultural Inheritance. 3. Show the specialized knowledge of the material, immaterial or natural culture got in the courses and applied to the thesis topic. 4. Apply the skills learned in the different courses and being able to catalog, transcribe, analyze, interpret and transmit cultural information in a systematic way. 5. Display the capacity of explaining the results of the research according to the methods of the discipline, using the proper terminology. 6. Expose the capacity of applying the theoretical learning to the analysis, description and transmission of particular examples.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Writing of a Master thesis. The writing of a research work on the Hispanic world that culminates the Master's studies is contemplated. In said work, correctly written and exposed, the student will demonstrate, with the use, their knowledge of the analysis and description techniques that correspond to the chosen specialty, the domain of the bibliography, the use of sources and their application, in their case, to concrete examples, all this from approaches or with original results.
Learning activities and methodology
The teaching methodology will obey the following steps: 1. Tutoring by a professor 2. Search of information, primary and secondary sources, by the student, under the council and advice of the professor 3. Writing a essay with the results If the topic allows it, and if the professor thinks that it is appropriate, the student should look how to apply the theory to particular cases The Mater thesis must show that the student has learned the required skills, as written above, since the work is supposed to be a way of prove that the student got the proper results expected from this program The student will have the appropriate tutoring of the professor, and in the meetings they will discuss the sources, the doubts, and the writing of the essay The student also will have to work on the search of sources in libraries, archives or other places. The Master thesis will have 6 credits ECTS. Specific rules for TFM in Aula Global.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 100
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 0

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Detailed subject contents or complementary information about assessment system of B.T.
Additional information

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.