Checking date: 30/03/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (2013 Study Plan) (Plan: 306 - Estudio: 283)


Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Bachelor Thesis
ECTS Credits: 12.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
In order to apply for registering in the Bachelor Thesis, students must be registered in all remaining courses that they need to pass to complete their Bachelor studies. To submit and defend the Bachelor Thesis, students must have passed all required courses included in the Study Plan. As an exception, they can have only one course still to pass as a maximum.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The purpose of the Bachelor Thesis is for students to develop a research project linked to any of the subjects studied in the Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics. To do this, students apply scientific methodology learned during the Degree. In carrying out this work, students will need to choose a topic of interest, and then identify a research problem that may arise through one or more questions. In their Bachelor Thesis, students will try to provide answers based on logical reasoning and using the analysis methods learned during their studies. Students must choose one of the following options: (1) a theoretical research (especially geared to participants who choose it closer to the side of philosophy, but of course open to the two other subjects). (2) an aplied or empirical research. (3) a research design work (formulating the theoretical framework, the research question, methodology and reference literature). (4) a consultancy paper (with closer guidance diagnosis and formulation of proposals aimed at improving service or public policy, for example).
Assessment System
Each Bachelor Thesis will have two evaluators: the student tutor and another teacher appointed from the coordinator of the Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics. The final note of the Thesis will be the average of ratings given by both professors. In case the student has attended the tutorials, has delivered the TFG on time and has obtained a grade lower than 5.0, the student may revise the work from the observations made in the report accompaning the failing grade and submit the Thesis once more. The Bachelor Thesis assessment will take into account different criteria depending on the type of chosen work but in all cases: 1) Originality and relevance of the research question. 2) Analytical and critical capacity. 3) Correct use of case selection techniques, search of sources of information and analysis, considering the approach and objectives of the research. 4) Ability to present arguments in a structured and clear way. 5) Proper use of bibliographical sources. The University uses the Turnitin Feedback Studio program within the Aula Global for the delivery of student work. This program compares the originality of the work delivered by each student with millions of electronic resources and detects those parts of the text that are copied and pasted. If the student has correctly made the appointment and the bibliographic reference of the documents he uses as a source, Turnitin will not mark it as plagiarism.
Basic Bibliography
  • Eva Anduiza, Ismael Crespo, Mónica Méndez. Metodología de la Ciencia Política. CIS. 2009
  • Gary King, Robert O. Keohane, Sidney Verba. El diseño de la investigación social: la inferencia científica en los estudios cualitativos. Alianza. 2000
  • Henry E. Brandy, David Collier (eds.). Rethinking Social Inquiry. Diverse Tools, Shared Standards. Rowman&Littlefield Publishers. 2004
  • Ignacio Lago. La lógica de la explicación en las ciencias sociales. Alianza. 2008
  • Judith Bell. Cómo hacer tu primer trabajo de investigación. Gedisa. 2002
  • Paloma García Picazo. La investigación del medio internacional. Tecnos. 2012
  • Perigiorgio Corbetta. Social Research. Theory, Methods, and Techniques. Sage. 2003
  • Ricard Zapata-Barrero, Elena Montijano. Manual de investigación cualitativa en la ciencia política. Tecnos. 2008
  • Roger Pierce. Research Methods in Politics. Sage. 2008
Additional information

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.