Checking date: 28/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Legal framework of security I
Bachelor in Security Engineering (Plan: 282 - Estudio: 272)

Coordinating teacher: GOMEZ LUGO, YOLANDA

Department assigned to the subject: Public State Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


The subject content consists of a set of matters of constitutional law which aim to provide students with a reasonable level of basic knowledge of constitutional framework: 1. Knowledge of origins, historical development and current meaning of concept of Constitution and its functions in the context of the social and democratic State, subject to the rule of law. 2. Knowledge of the political transition process to democracy and the constituent process of 1978 Spanish Constitution, as well as the general meaning of the main principles underlying the Spanish Constitution and to be able to observe and distinguish its manifestations in the constitutional text. 3. Knowledge of concept of sources of law and how the Sources of law system works. 4. Knowledge of the normative value of the Constitution and its effects on legal system. 5. Knowledge of mechanisms that ensure the supremacy of the Constitution: constitutional reform and specially jurisdictional protection through the Constitutional Court. 6. Knowledge of the system of sources of law in the Spanish legal system. In other words, the different types of existing norms and the relationships between them: Law and types of laws; government regulatory provision with force of law; international treaties; autonomous laws. 7. Knowledge and significance of the democratic principle as a basis of the Constitutional Organization and the various instruments which allow the participation in the public affairs 8. Knowledge of the position, composition, functioning and functions of the diverse State Central Institutions and the map of the connections among them (Crown, Cortes Generales or Parliament, Government and the Judicial Power) 9. Knowledge of the basis of the territorial organization of the State, giving special attention to the Autonomous Communities: organization, competencies distribution, relations with the State.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. LAW, STATE AND CONSTITUTION 1.1. Origins of Modern Constitutionalism 1.2. Concept of Constitution. 1.3. State as political organization model. 2. THE SPANISH CONSTITUTION OF 1978. 2.1. The period of political transition processes to democracy 2.2. Drafting the 1978 Constitution 2.3. Structure and basic elements of the constitutional text 3. SOURCES OF LAW SYSTEM. 3.1. Concept of source of law 3.2. Criteria to resolve the conflict between norms 3.3. Validity and effectiveness of legal standards 4. CONSTITUTION AS SUPERIOR LAW 4.1. Constitution as legal norm 4.2. Constitution as supreme law 5. GUARANTEE OF THE SUPREMACY OF THE CONSTITUTION [I] 5.1. Constitutional reform A) Constitutional rigidity. Nature and models of constitutional reform; B) Procedures for amending the Constitution: ordinary and extraordinary 5.2. The jurisdictional defense of the Constitution: Constitutional Court A) Nature and constitutional jurisdiction models B) Spanish constitutional jurisdiction model C) Constitutional Court: composition, structure and functions D) Judicial Review or Constitutionality control 6. LAW AS A SOURCE OF LAW 6.1. Legislative power: status and force of law. 6.2. Types of laws. 6.3. Government regulations with force of primary law: legislative decree; decree-law 7. INTERNATIONAL AND SUPRANATIONAL SOURCES OF LAW 7.1. International treaties in the system of sources 7.2. European Union Law 8. AUTONOMOUS STATE AND SOURCES OF LAW 7.1. Territorial model. Constitutional framework of Autonomous State 8.2. Statute of Autonomy 8.3. Other State laws on autonomous regime 8.4. The legal system of autonomous communities. 8.5. The relationship between autonomous and State law 9.- DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM AS THE BASIS FOR THE CONSTITUTIONAL ORGANIZATION OF GOVERNMENT 9.1. The democratic legitimation process: the elections legal framework; 9.2. The political parties; 9.3. the direct democracy institutions. 10.- THE CROWN 10.1. Sucesión and regency 10.2. Responsibility of the King 10.3. Functions 11.- THE PARLIAMENT 11.1. Characteristics, structure and composition; 11.2. Internal organization and functioning; 11.3. Members of the Parliament statute; 11.4. Functions. 12.- THE EXECUTIVE 12.1. The Government: composition and formation 12.2. Government structure and its members 12.3. Executive functions. 13. RELATION BETWEEN GOVERNMENT AND PARLIAMENT 13.1. Parliamentary control 13.2. Political responsibility 13.3. Dissolution of the Parliament 14.- THE JUDICIAL POWER 14.1. Organization, structure and functioning 14.2. Judges and magistrates statute 14.3. Judiciary government 15.- THE STATE TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATION 15.1. Territorial model 15.2. Autonomy of nationalities and regions. 15.3. Process of creation of Autonomous Communities. The autonomic process 15.4. Distribution of powers
Learning activities and methodology
The program of this course will be developed in lectures and they will be held in large group sessions. On different occasions, theoretical teaching will be supported by other types of instruments, whether audiovisual or practical cases. If convenient, the whole group can be given a session together. The tutorial regime will be the one generally provided for in the Security Engineering Degree.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • BILBAO UBILLOS, J.M.; REY MARTÍNEZ, F. y VIDAL ZAPATERO, J.M.:. "Lecciones de Derecho Constitucional I". Lex Nova.
  • BLANCO VALDÉS, R.L.:. "La Constitución de 1978". Alianza.
  • GUTIERREZ, I y otros. Elementos de Derecho constitucional español. Marcial Pons.
  • LÓPEZ GUERRA, L.; ESPÍN, E.; GARCÍA MORILLO, J.; PÉREZ TREMPS, P. y SATRÚSTEGUI, M.:. "Derecho Constitucional". Tirant lo blanch. Valencia (2 vols.)
  • MOLAS, I.:. "Derecho Constitucional". Tecnos. Madrid
Additional Bibliography
  • ARAGÓN REYEZ, M. (dir) y AGUADO RENEDO, C. (codir). Temas básicos de Derecho Constitucional (3 tomos). Civitas/Aranzadi (Thomson Reuters). 2011
  • BLANCO VALDÉS, R.L.:. "El valor de la Constitución".. Alianza Editorial.. Madrid, 2006.
  • FRAILE CLIVILLÉS, M.. Temas de introducción al Derecho Constitucional español. Serivicio de publicaciones Facultad de Derecho. UCM. 2011
  • OTTO, I. DE:. "Derecho Constitucional. Sistema de fuentes".. Ariel.. Barcelona, 1987
  • RUBIO LLORENTE, F.:. "La forma del poder (Estudios sobre la Constitución)".. Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales.. Madrid, 1997.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.