Checking date: 14/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Integration of renewables into the grid
Master in Renewable Energy in Power Systems (Plan: 276 - Estudio: 266)

Coordinating teacher: LEDESMA LARREA, PABLO

Department assigned to the subject: Electrical Engineering Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Students who study this subject must have basic knowledge of electrical circuits and control theory
Acquire the following knowledge: - K2 Knowledge and identification of the regulations, grid codes and connection requirements applicable to renewable energy projects - K8 Knowledge of the electronic devices used in flexible alternating current connection systems (FACTS and HVDC) used in joint operation with renewable sources Acquire the following skills: - S4 Use simulation programs for electrical networks with renewable generation sources - S6 Evaluate the technical-economic viability of a renewable energy project from the point of view of its integration into the electrical grid - S9 Search for complex and specific information on regulations and legislation on issues related to renewable energies Acquire the following skills: - C2 Evaluate the impact of renewable energies on the operation of future electrical systems, determining the problems that may appear and possible solutions at the regulatory level - C3 Plan an electrical system taking into account the integration of renewable energies - C5 Technically manage projects, facilities and plants related to renewable energies
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Introduction to the course - Historical evolution of renewable generation - Network codes, operating procedures and ENTSOE regulations - Operation procedure 12.2 - Practical case on introduction to the PSSE simulation tool 2. Connection of renewable energy parks to the electrical grid - Low and medium voltage network - Transformers and electrical substations in renewable energy parks - Case study of grid connection of a wind farm 3. Non-programmable generation and grid congestion - Integration studies in the electrical grid - Access capacity of renewable generation - Solution of congestions - Case study of solution of technical restrictions in a power system with renewable generation 4. Effect of renewable generation on short circuit current - Short circuit current and protections - Calculation of short circuit currents with synchronous and non-synchronous generation - Case study on reduction of the short circuit current due to non-synchronous generation 5. Voltage control and non-synchronous generation - Voltage control ancillary service - Conventional methods of voltage control and effect of renewable generation - Case study of voltage control with renewable generation 6. Participation of renewable energy parks in voltage control - Reactive compensation in renewable energy parks - Voltage control during peak and off-peak hours - Case study of participation of renewable energy parks in voltage control 7. Primary frequency regulation in synchronous and non-synchronous power plants - Fundamentals of the frequency-power relationship - Primary regulation ancillary service and Operation procedure 7.1 - Droop control in renewable energy parks - Case study of primary frequency regulation with non-synchronous generation 8. Non-programmable generation and secondary frequency regulation - Secondary regulation reserve and renewable generation - Area Control Error and shared peninsular regulation - Operation Procedure 7.2 - Other frequency-power regulation mechanisms - Case study of participation of renewable energy parks in frequency regulation 9. Renewable generation and frequency stability - Reference incident and ENTSOE control objectives - Load shedding - Effect of renewable generation on frequency stability - Case study of frequency stability in a network with renewable generation 10. Advanced control techniques in renewable energy parks - Virtual synchronous generators - Inertia Emulation - Grid-forming control - Case study of dynamic response of a park with inertia provision 11. Transient stability in systems with renewable generation - Electromechanical oscillations - Admissibility criteria - Renewable energy plant models for network studies - Case study of angle stability in a system with non-synchronous generation 12. Voltage dips and their effect on non-synchronous generation - Definition and classification of voltage dips - Non-synchronous generation response to voltage dips - Operation Procedure 12.3 - Case study of the propagation of a voltage dip in a system with renewable generation 13. Evacuation of renewable energy through direct current lines - DC networks and offshore wind farms - HVDC links in the Spanish electrical system - Case study with direct current lines and renewable generation 14. The energy transition and the transportation network of the future - Development plan for the electric energy transmission network - The European reference network according to ENTSOE
Learning activities and methodology
Learning activities: - AF1 Theoretical classes Master classes where the concepts to apply are explained - AF2 Practical classes and AF3 Theoretical-practical classes Computer laboratory activities for solving practical cases with the PSSE tool - AF6 Group work and AF7 Individual work Preparation of reports with the resolution of practical cases solved in the computer laboratory - AF8 Evaluation tests Quick evaluation tests, through Aula Global, in the classroom itself and in each session Methodology: - MD1 Presentations in class by the teacher with the support of computer and audiovisual media, in which the main concepts of the course are developed and bibliography is provided to complement the students' learning. - MD2 Resolution in the computer classroom of practical cases posed by the teacher, individually or in groups. The cases to be solved are practical applications of concepts explained in the master classes. Students make exhaustive use of electrical system analysis tools widely used in the electrical sector. - MD4 Preparation of works and reports, individually or in groups, on the practical cases solved in the computer room
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • N. Jenkins, R. Allan, P. Crossley, D. Kirschen, G. Strbac. Embedded Generation. The Institution of Electrical Engineering. 2000
  • T. Ackermann (Ed.). Wind Power in Power Systems. Wiley. 2005
Additional Bibliography
  • A.J. Wood, B.F. Wollenberg, G.B. Sheblé. Power Generation, Operation and Control. Wiley. 2014

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.