Checking date: 14/03/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Analysis of Composite Structures
Master in Industrial Mechanical (Plan: 274 - Estudio: 265)

Coordinating teacher: BARBERO POZUELO, ENRIQUE

Department assigned to the subject: Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 4.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Students should have knowledge of Elasticity and Strength of Materials of isotropic materials. Basic knowledge of mechanics of composite materials are recommended.
Ability to carry out a preliminary design of a mechanical component or structural element made with composite or sandwich materials Compression of the failure mechanisms of composite structures. Understand the role that composite materials play in improving sustainability and climate change (SDG 1). Results Once the subject is passed the student is expected to be able to: - Understand the basic concepts of composite structures. - Analyze the response of lightweight composite structures subjected to different types of loads. - Carry out preliminary design of structural components - Analyze the failure of lightweight structures
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Chapter 1. Introduction to composite laminates and sandwich structures 1.1 Basic concepts 1.2 Laminate characteristics 1.3 Tipologies 1.4 Structural aplications 1.5 The role of composite materials for a better sustainability and climate change Chapter 2. Analysis of composites laminates 2.1 Introduction to anisotropic elasticity 2.2 Ply mechanics 2.3 Ply Failure Criteria 2.4 Classical laminated plate theory 2.5 First-order laminated plate theory 2.6 Laminate design Chapter 3. Design of composite structures 3.1 Introduction to laminate beams 3.2 Thins walled-laminate beams 3.3 Sándwich beams 3.4 Shells
Learning activities and methodology
Lecture and practical sessions will be taught. The first is geared to the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, and the second to the acquisition of practical skills related to theoretical concepts. In addition to these sessions, students will have the possibility of individual tutorials. In this course, students should not use artificial intelligence tools to carry out the work or exercises proposed by the faculty. In the event that the use of AI by the student gives rise to academic fraud by falsifying the results of an exam or work required to accredit academic performance, the Regulation of the University Carlos III of Madrid of partial development of the Law 3/2022, of February 24th, of University Coexistence, will be applied.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Antonio Miravate y otros. MATERIALES COMPUESTOS (dos tomos). Antonio Miravate. 2000
  • Ever J Barbero. INTRODUCTION TO COMPOSITE MATERIALS DESIGN. Taylor and Francis. 1999
  • I.M. Daniels y O. Ishai. ENGINEERING MECHANICS OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS. Oxford University Press. 1994
  • M. C. Y. Niu. COMPOSITE AIRFRAME STRUCTURES. Conmilit Press LTD. 1992
Additional Bibliography
  • D. Hull. MATERIALES COMPUESTOS. Reverte. 1987
  • S. Abrate. IMPACT ON COMPOSITE MATERIALS. Cambridge University Press. 1998

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.