Checking date: 20/05/2022

Course: 2024/2025

Machine maintenance and safety
Master in Mechanical Engineering and Transportation (Plan: 275 - Estudio: 73)


Department assigned to the subject: Mechanical Engineering Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Students should be familiar with the general functioning of machines
SPECIFIC - Know the basic concepts of maintenance and its application - Develop a maintenance plan for a machine or set of machines - Develop a risk assessment of a machine - Manage existing legislation and armonised standards ruling the CE marking of machinery - Conduct technical study of a machine CE marking GENERAL - Apply the acquired knowledge and solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader and multidisciplinary contexts environments. - Knowledge, understanding and ability to apply the necessary legislation in the engineering field specialized in machine engineering and transport - Direct, plan and supervise multidisciplinary teams. - Capacity for analysis and synthesis , organization and planning , abstraction and deduction .
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
This course studies the maintenance of industrial plants and machines. After presenting the different maintenance philosophies, its advantages, disadvantages and cost-effectiveness, it focuses on the conditional reactive, preventive and predictive or preventive maintenance. The application of diagnostic techniques used in this type of maintenance is analyzed. From the point of view of machinery safety regulations and current regulations and techniques used for compliance and further obtaining the CE marking of it are analyzed. Students will perform work group application of this process on a real machine, evaluating whether there are gaps in its marking. MAINTENANCE General maintenance principles Workshop management Processes and indicators Overhaul center tender The spare part in maintenance Logistics systems engineering Outsourcing Maintenance trends MACHINE SAFETY CE marking of machines Machinery directives Procedures for CE marking Quality and industrial safety
Learning activities and methodology
The training activities include: Theoretical master-classes, contain the knowledge that students should acquire. To facilitate their development the students receive lecture notes and key reference texts in order to follow the classes and develop further work. Master-classes of exercises in which they will see practical cases in order to apply concepts taught in lectures. They will be used as examples for the work that students have to make. The lectures cover a total of 2 ECTS credits - Completion of a work in which the working group, composed of a maximum of 4 students must develop a maintenance plan from one machine and carry out the technical study for CE marking of the same. The explanation and evaluation work exhibition covers 1 credit ECTS
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 35
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 65

Basic Bibliography
  • González Fernández, Francisco Javier . Teoría y práctica del mantenimiento industrial avanzado. Confemetal. 2009
  • Kelly, Anthony, M. Gestión del mantenimiento industrial. Fundación Repsol. 1998
  • Roldán Viloria, José . Manual de mantenimiento de instalaciones. Paraninfo. 1999
  • Souris, Jean-Paul. El mantenimiento, fuente de beneficios. Díaz de Santos. 1992
  • Tsuchiya, Seiji. Mantenimiento de calidad: cero defectos a través de la gestión del equipo. TGP Hoshin. 1995

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.