This year the course will follow the methodology of flipping teaching).
Acquisition of theoretical knowledge through:
- Lectures, where the fundamental theoretical and practical concepts that students must acquire are developed. For this, students will have in advance a collection of notes and exercises to prepare the classes. Likewise, reference literature, complementary and additional to the areas covered in class, will be made available to students to deepen those subjects in which they are most interested.
- Resolution of exercises and case studies by the teacher, encouraging the active participation of students in solving them (both individually and in teams). These exercises will be solved during the lectures.
Acquisition of abilities and skills through:
- Throughout the course, students will attend computer classes and will be introduced to computer programming tools applied to solve problems directly related to the contents of the course.
- Resolution by the student of the exercises proposed by the teacher to be delivered throughout the year, which will serve to assess their knowledge and acquire the necessary skills.
- Elaboration of an empirical project on VAR models.