Checking date: 06/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Word and Image: representation in modern culture
Master in Cultural Theory and Critique (Plan: 356 - Estudio: 253)

Coordinating teacher: BLASCO MENA, MARIA DOLORES

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Mastery of the theoretical concepts that allow the link between verbal and iconic representations. Study them in light of such concepts. Specifically, the following competences will be developed: Master the theoretical concepts that allow the link between verbal and iconic representations. Study the verbal and iconic representations in light of such concepts. Acquire the conceptual and methodological instruments necessary for the analysis of the relationship between the verbal and the iconic. Know and understand the theories related to the phenomenon of representation in contemporary culture. Know the relevant bibliography. Know and understand the diverse ways in which contemporary culture makes use of verbal and iconic representations. To be able to carry out the practice of the study in an interdisciplinary way. Be able to use oral and written methods of study and criticism. Be able to develop academic texts, oral and written, related to the subject. As a result of the learning, the student will know the main problems and concepts related to the link between verbal and iconic representations in contemporaneous culture, as well as the theories that have dealt with them, will have the conceptual and methodological instruments to address them, will be able to manage the bibliography on the subject and to elaborate a brief work on the issues involved in the subject with the pertinent academic and conceptual rigor.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
WORD AND IMAGE: THE REPRESENTATION OF CONTEMPORARY CULTURE. 1.- Processes of building models in our contemporary culture 1.1.- Modernity, postmodernity and crisis of contemporary culture. 1.1.1.- Topics of the construction of Western culture How is the West built? 1.1.2.- The weakness and strength of enlightened thought in the 21st century: paradoxes. 1.1.3.- Modernity as an ideology and the ideology of modernity. 1.2.- Semantics of cultural representation: entropy and ideology of culture 1.2.1.- Culture and representational value. 1.2.2.- The estrangement of culture. Dissidents and outsiders. 2.- Building the image of the world: Processes. 2.1.- The image of the world and the image of the past as a console for political games. 2.1.1.- Historical entropy: The representation of the past. 2.1.2.- Images of the world: Orientalism, colonialism and ethnocentrism. 2.1.3.- The desert of the Tartars. 2.1.4.- Black and pink colonial legends: Deconstruct what does not exist. 2.2.- The own image: Identity and hegemony in the West. Houellebecq to review. 3.- Globalization and borders: Geography as a semantic construct of identity. 3.1.- Geography as a weapon of war. 3.2.- States, nations and identities. 3.3.- Border literature: mitocritic of hybridization and solid identity. 3.4.- Mediterranean, Atlantic and Pacific: The sea as a representation of the void and the "Lines of fracture": Against Huntington and without Huntington. 4.- Political theology and social identity in the West. 4.1.- Political theology and identity. 4.2.- The construction of the image as a social archilexema: Tyranny and government of the unintentional. 4.3.- The aestheticization of politics: From metaphysics to political aesthetics: Benjamin and Rancière reconsidered: Propaganda and impoverishment of the "aura". Images of capitalism, socialism and fascism. 5.- Tragedy and farce as a Hegelian dialectic in cultural discourses: the phenomenon of the entropic reconstruction of the image of the XX century in the 21st century. 5.1.- The perverse narrative: literary silences and garden dwarfs. 5.2 .- The decline of the West after Gibbon: Steiner, Klemperer. 5.3.- Memories of the future: recomposition of the representation of political fears in the West. 6.- Guide to the reconstruction of the image of the world: Aristotle, Victor Hugo and Brecht at the beginning of the 21st century: Tradition and traditions (useful and useless). 7.- Conclusions of the course.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.