Checking date: 26/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Rhetoric and Images
Master in Cultural Theory and Critique (Plan: 356 - Estudio: 253)


Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


SPECIFIC SKILLS 1. To know different approaches to the analysis of image from an historical and transdisciplinary perspective. 2. To know and be able to recognize the key linguistic and rhetorical resources used in analysis and visual creation, by familiarization with different visual analysis methodologies and its relation to those used in other creative productions. 3. To know the main strategies and modalities of enunciation which characterize different practices of creation of knowledge and meaning through images. TRANSVERSAL SKILLS Observation skills. Capacity for analysis and synthesis. Capacity for organizing and planning. Capacity for organizing and analyzing information from different sources. Capacity for criticism, reflexivity, and self-criticism Research skills
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Some considerations regarding the idea o f "Image Rhetoric". 2. The Cultural Turn 3. The Visual Turn 4. The Affective Turn 5. Semiotics 6. Psychoanalysis and Image 7. Modernity and Image 8. Visual Dispositifs: Institutions 9. Visual Dispositifs: Technologies of the Image 10. Image as Document and the Past as Image 11. Thinking in/with/against/through Images
Learning activities and methodology
METHODOLOGY Theoretical credits: Through theoretical classes, with explanations and presentation of texts as well as artistic, experimental and critical creative works. Group debate will be essential to the course Practical credits: Through group discussions based on active participation, comment and analysis of texts and images. Students are expected to make an oral presentation. FORMATIVE ACTIVITIES - Debate and presentation sessions. - Mandatory Readings. - Screening and analysis of works - Individual research work (essay).
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 70
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 30

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Abril, G.. Cultura Visual, de la Semiótica a la Política. Plaza y Valdés. 2014
  • Acaso, M. . El lenguaje visual. Paidós. 2006
  • Bal, M.. El esencialismo visual y el objeto de los estudios visuales. Revista Estudios Visuales. 2005
  • Bal, M. et alt.. Looking In: The Art of Viewing,. Routledge,. 2000
  • Banks, M. y Morphy, H. (eds.) . Rethinking Visual Anthropology, . Yale Univ Press,. 1999
  • Barnard, M. . Approaches to Understanding Visual Culture,. Macmillan,. 2001
  • Barthes, R. . La cámara lúcida, . Paidós , . 1987
  • Barthes, R. . La Torre Eiffel: textos sobre la imagen, . Paidos, . 2001
  • Barthes, R. . MITOLOGÍAS. . México: Siglo XXI. 1987
  • Belting, H. . Antropología de la imagen, . Katz, . 2007
  • Brea, J.L. . Las tres eras de la imagen, . Akal, . 2010.
  • Brea, J.L. (ed) Estudios visuales. . La epistemología de la visualidad en la era de la globalización,. Akal, . 2005
  • Brennan, T., Jay, M. (eds.). Vision in Context. Routledge. 2013
  • Brennan, T., y Jay, M. (eds.) . Vision in Context: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Sight, Routledge, 1996 . Routledge, . 1996
  • Bryson, N. . La lógica de la mirada, . Alianza Editorial, . 1991
  • Buck-Morss, S. . Dialéctica de la mirada, . Visor Distribuciones, . 1996
  • Corrigan, Tim. The Essay Film. Oxford University Press. 2011
  • Crary, J. . Suspensiones de la percepción. Atención, espectáculo y cultura moderna, . Akal, . 2008
  • Dikovitskaya, M. . Visual Culture, The MIT . Press, . 2005
  • Elkins, J. (Ed.). Theorizing Visual Studies: Writing Through the Discipline. Routledge, . 2012
  • Freedberg, D., . The Power of Images. Studies in the History and Theory of Response, Larry Silver, . Northwestern University, . 1989
  • García Varas, A. (Ed.). Filosofía de la imagen. Universidad de Salamanca. 2011
  • Gondra Aguirre, A., López de Munain, G. (ed.). Estudios de la imagen. Experiencia, percepción, sentidos(s). Sans Soleil. 2014
  • Groupe M, . Tratado del signo visual, . Cátedra, . Madrid, 1993
  • Guardiola, I.. El ojo y la navaja. Arcadia. 2018
  • Gunning, T.. The Cinema of Attractions. BFI Publishing. 1990
  • Hall , S.(ed.) , . Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices (Culture, Media and Identities, Vol 2),. Sage Publications,. 1997
  • Hall, S. y Evans, J., (eds) . Visual Culture: The Reader, . Sage Publications, . 1999
  • Hall, S. ¿Encoding and Decoding in TV Discourse¿. . Hall, Hobson, Loew y Willis (ed.) Culture, Media, Language: Working Papers in Cultural Studies. London: Routledge.. 1980
  • Hansen, M. . New Philosophy for a New Media. MIT Press. 2004
  • Hodge, R., Kress, G.. Social Semiotics. Cornell University Press. 1988
  • Hoffman D. H. . Visual Intelligence: How We Create What We See, W.W. . Norton & Company, . 2000
  • Holly, M.A., Smith, M.. What is research in the visual arts?. Clark Institute. 2008
  • Jay, M. Ojos abatidos. . Ojos abatidos. La denigración de la visión en el pensamiento francés del siglo XX,. Madrid, Akal, . 2008
  • Jenks, C. (ed.) . Visual Culture, . Routledge, . 1995
  • Jiménez, J.. Crítica del mundo imagen. Tecnos. 2019
  • Kittler, F.. Gramaphone, Film, Typewriter. Stanford University Press. 1999
  • LECHTE, John. Beyond the Ontology of Image?. EITHER/AND. 2013
  • Levin , D. M. (ed.) . Modernity and the Hegemony of Vision, . University of California Press, . 1993
  • Marks, L.. The Skin of the Film. Intercultural Cinema, Embodiment, and the Senses.. Duke University Press. 2000
  • Martín Prada, J. . El ver y las imágenes en tiempos de Internet. Akal. 2018
  • Mirzoeff, N. . Una introducción a la cultura visual, . Paidós,. 2003
  • Mitchell, W. J. T. . Teoría de la imagen, . Akal, . 2009
  • Mullvey, Laura. Placer visual y cine narrativo. Mulvey, Laura. Placer visual y cine narrativo. Fundación Instituto Shakespeare/Instituto de CineRTV/University of Minnesota.. 1988
  • Pink, S. . Doing Visual Ethnography: Images, Media and Representation in Research,. Sage Publications,. 2001
  • Rose, G. . Visual Methodologies : An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials, . Sage Publications, . 2001
  • Sandywell, B., y Heywood, I. (eds.) . Interpreting Visual Culture: Explorations in the Hermeneutics of the Visual, . Routledge, . 1999
  • Schroeder, J. E. . Visual Consumption, Routledge Interpretive Market Research Series, . Routledge, . 2002
  • Silverman, K. . El umbral del mundo visible,. Madrid Akal, . 2009
  • Smith, P.D. y Emminson, M.J. . Researching the Visual : Images, Objects, Contexts and Interactions in Social and Cultural Inquiry, . Sage Publications, . 2000
  • Sobchack, Vivian. The Address of the Eye. Princeton University Press. 1992
  • Sobchack, Vivian. Carnal Thoughts: Embodiment and Moving Image Culture. University of California Press. 2004
  • Sterne, Jonathan. The Audible Past. Duke University Press. 2003
  • Steyerl, Hito. The Wretched of the Screen. E-Flux. 2011
  • Sturken, M., y Cartwright, L. . Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture, . Oxford University Press. 2001
  • Taylor, L.,(ed.), ., . Visualizing Theory: Selected Essays from V.A.R, ..., 1990-1994 . .. .
  • Thomas, J. (Ed) . Reading Images (Readers in Cultural Criticism), . Palgrave Macmillan, . 2000
  • VVAA "Cuestionario October sobre cultura visual" (publicado originalmente en el número 77 de la revista October, 1996), Estudios Visuales, núm. 1, . Estudios Visuales, núm. 1, . CENDEAC Murcia, . noviembre de 2003
  • Velasco, H. M. . Cuerpo y espacio. Símbolos y metáforas, representación y expresividad en las culturas, . Madrid: Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces, . 2007
  • Villafañe, J. . Introducción a la teoría de la imagen, . Piramide, . 2009
  • Williamson, J.. Decoding Advertisements. Ideology and meaning in Advertising.. LONDON, NEW YORK: MARION BOYARS. 2002
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
Additional Bibliography
  • BRENNAN, T., JAY, M. (Eds.). Vision in context. Routledge. 2013
  • Banks, M.. Los datos visuales en investigación cualitativa. Morata. 2010
  • Banks, M. , Morphy, H.. Rethinking Visual Anthropology. Yale University Press. 1999
  • Brea, J. L.. Nuevas estrategias alegóricas. Tecnos. Madrid
  • Carriere, A. Sabonit, J.. Retórica de la pintura. Cátedra. Madrid
  • Darley, A.. Cultura visual digital. Espectáculo y nuevos géneros en los medios de comunicación. Paidós. 2002
  • Deveraux, L, Hillman, R.. Fields of Vision. University California Press. 1995
  • Farago, C. (ed.). Compelling Visuality. University Minnesota Press. 1989
  • Howells, R.. Visual Culture. An Introduction. Polity Press. 2013
  • Jameson, F.. Signatures of the Visible. Routledge. 1995
  • Perniola, M.. La estética del siglo XX. A. Machado Libros. 2001
  • Virilio, P.. La máquina de visión. Cátedra. 1989
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The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.