This course aims that the students achieve the following competences and skills:
- Knowing and understanding the main theories about human language.
- Knowing and understanding the main theories that have tried to explain the relation between language and mind.
- Knowing and understanding the cultural dimension of language.
- Examining and understanding the relation between the language and the social processes that configure meanings.
- Acquiring methodological instruments that allow to analize and understand the elements involved in the relation between language, mind and culture.
- Knowing the most relevant bibliography on the topic.
- Ability to use oral and written methods of study and analysis.
- Ability to produce academic texts related to the matter.
As a result of the learning process, the student is expected to know the main problems related to mental and cultural dimensions of language (as well as the theories that have analized them), to have acquired the conceptual and methodological tools to deal with them, and to be able to use the bibliography on the topic to elaborate a brief paper with academic and conceptual accuracy.