1) To gain and to understand knowledges providing the chance to be original in the development and/or implementation of ideas, oftenly in a research context.
2) To be able to apply the gained knowledges and their ability to solve problems in new or not well known environments inside wider (or multidisciplinar) contexts related to their field of study.
3) To be able to integrate knowledges and to face the complexity of formulating judgements from an incomplete or limited information including reflections on the social and moral responsabilities derived from the applications of their knowledges and judgements.
4) To be Able to communicate their conclusions ¿and the knowledges and grounds supporting them- to specialized and non-especialized audiences in a clear way and without ambiguities.
5) To possess learning skills allowing futher study in an autonomous and self-conducted way.
6) To comprehend the role of human rights in modern societies, their historical developement and the current challenges they have, as well as their role in legal systems of democracies.
7) To transmit, in a clear and precise way , oral and written arguments.
8) To possess a commitment with respecting democratic values, human rights and human diversity.
9) To apply and to develop, properly, and from an interdisciplinar approach, the necessary tools for the resolution of complex legal and social questions related with human rights.
10) To gain and to be fluent in technical and specialized knowledges to comprehend human and fundamental rights, including legislation, case law and the most important theories of rights.
11) To identify and to comprehend the theoretical influences ¿ideological and doctrinal- of the different systems of recognition and protection of human rights.
12)To identify and to analize the economical and social implications of legal recognition and protection of rights and freedoms.
13) To apply the concepts provided by philosophy to the analysis of rights systems.
14) To analize the problem of the efficacy of legal systems, identifying the incentives generated by legal rules and their impact on the behaviour of legal authorities.
15) To assess normative projects of development of rights and freedoms.
16) To make human rights plans for further implementation by public administrations and private organizations.